Heaters: Who needs 'em?

Absolutely, buy a good Japanese brand one, don’t be stupid and you won’t have any problems. Something like this in a size appropriate to the space you want to heat. They monitor the burn quality, have auto shut down etc. Don’t know how I lived without one!

I have one of those for bedrooms, nice and quiet, an excellent heater for a smaller space.

You need a Kotatsu!


Except often our governments fail to realise the leverage we have.

Eh there were reports of local authorities confiscating home stoves because of coal shortage. Don’t ask me about the logic of doing so now. Party cadres do as told to show loyalty.

15k in Xindian. If the furry critters would allow it, I’d get one if those.

A kotatsu is my dream…

I’m currently using the inverter on the AC and this yoke.
And wearing lots of clothes.


Many provinces have banned coal burning and provided financial incentives to purchase electric heaters and subsidize electricity bills. Unfortunately, as usual, government interference has created major problems so many families tried to use coal again leading to the Cheng Guan coming around, confiscating their coal, stoves and cementing up their kangs. Residents in city areas with 供暖 don’t have an issue.

China has massive coal reserves and processing capacity, it’s just dirty coal. They can easily survive without Australian coal just not meet environmental targets.

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7K or so will get you a smaller model, the cats should enjoy it! Moot point at the moment though as they seem to be sold out everywhere, as is Kerosene most likely.

I have seen a couple in Xindian and in Taipei City. Problem I think would be scorched whiskers or burned paws.

In the past the radiator like heater did the job. Alas…

I just wear my coat to sleep

Don’t really want to have another piece of furniture (heater) that I only use a few weeks a year

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Agree. It’s hot water bottle time here, and sleeping bag (wearing it to the waist as I type, plus 2 pairs of socks).


Sure you’re not interested? 0% financing!

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Ten years later that’s months of your life :grin:.
I never regretted any purchase like that in Taiwan. If you don’t use it you can sell it later anyway.

I’ve been wearing my thermal hiking trousers, finally they are good for something.

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Global warming is a myth! :popcorn:

Thanks to the concrete lobby.


No lobby here, old skool gong yu four storey, not like you rich pricks in your apartments.

The concrete ‘lobby’!

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I’ve had to choose between baking bread and the heater. My building is so old that I’ll trip a breaker with the heater and the oven on. The oven will heat the place, too.


That must be a huge oven.

It’s a crappy Kaiser Chef from Costco. 110v is the problem. But it does the trick.