Help me find a large bike in Taiwan

Looking at the Q&A I don’t think that one is available anymore.

Last year I bought two framesets that had been listed for 5 years on ruten!

There is this facebook group as well,

Um what does this mean

Don’t have 11-speed group set at the moment, so temporarily fitted with 10-speed.

Does that mean I’ll have to replace it myself or something?

I assume they’d do it for you, but need more context.

If you want an 11 speed group set, you’re going to have to replace the 10 speed group set on there. It’s like someone listed a 1 stroke scooter and you wanted a 2 stroke. They do relatively the same thing, but the “system” is different.

Now there’s nothing wrong with a 10 speed group set, but it will be tough to find parts for it as it is being phased out.

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Usually it just gets bumped to a lower tier groupset. For example shimano still produces new products for 7, 8 and 9 speed drivetrains.

I’m fairly certain (as in 100%) you know more about bicycles than me, but damn, ranlee.

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Was that a fail of a reference?

I was going to go with manual and auto transmission, but switched it at the last second.

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There are only 2-stroke and 4-stroke engines. No 1-strokes.

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Oh how little you know me, bovine one. One stroke was my porn name in the seventies…

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Case and point on why I mod the cycling forum and not cars and motorcycles.

Not a bad nickname if you’re a fluffer.

I was also known as “the finisher”…

Better than Limp Dick McGee I guess.

That guy was as useless as tits on a bull…

You didn’t have to make it personal, man…

Impressive how easily this turned from 11 speed group sets to washed up porn stars
