Hey guys, I have a question

Yes, you can get the same bum deals from any guy in any country. The same goes with men dating women who also do the same thing. They can get pretty busy too.

I guess Aussies just like to tell you how they see it. We are direct and upfront and it saves a lot of the BS. We don’t like to hide in the nether regions of innuendo and heresay when you can just come out and say what you’re feeling or thinking. Not very tactful I know but tact is low on the list of priorities.

Working out my culture might be a bit hard… which cultural part do you want to understand? I’m not even sure which culture I carry the most of. :smiley: :smiley:

When I started dating my wife one of her so called south african female friends starting tellling her all these horrible stories about me :fume: :fume: because she didnt like the thought of us being together. Seeing as that woman couldn’t tell her anything more about me than my own first name she decided to see for herself what all the stories were about :smiley: :smiley:

Some so called friends are more interested in breaking up a relationship. Better to be naive :smiley: :smiley:

From my experience, perhaps it is a Taiwanese thing. However, it doesn’t look good. Too busy? Postponing a relationship for work? I believe a relationship is the most important. But, there are questions to ask… Are you living together, how long have you dated… ?

Sure, it depends on the guy, but you might want to know that most of the time I’ve heard a man tell his girlfriend or wife that he is too busy to see her or come home, he’s been on his way to a date with another woman.

On the other hand, sometimes a person is so busy that they can’t give their full attention to a loved one. Having them around is a major distraction. In those cases, the person might prefer to risk offending their loved one by requesting time off rather than fail at both getting the work done and at making the loved one feel loved.

Go with your gut feeling. He may be one of the rare exceptions. They do exist.

[quote=“SuchAFob”](and please, feel free to make fun of me)

Is there any instance where you would tell a girl that you were not dumping that you were going to be very busy for the next month and wouldn’t have time to see her??
See. From my experience this is as classic a line as “it’s not me, it’s you” and “let’s still be friends”. But when followed by long monolouges about how beautiful I am and how he can’t wait to see my new hair color… WTF…? :loco:

So. Yeah. Men: Am I a crazy paranoid 12 year old or is this a classic dump line?[/quote]

Classic dump line… What are you thinking? You mean you will not even have one hour free in an entire month? :loco: Make the time… Honestly.

Well, at this point I have spent enoguh nights sleeping in his office waiting for him to finish his work that I know it isn’t a dump line, it is a seriously bad case of work addiction.
This post died two months ago…

[quote=“SuchAFob”]Well, at this point I have spent enoguh nights sleeping in his office waiting for him to finish his work that I know it isn’t a dump line, it is a seriously bad case of work addiction.
This post died two months ago…[/quote]

Well at least I feel that my post was correct. I once didnt see a girlfriend for 6 months… I was working at a coal mine… not the sort of place she could come visit, and females are not allowed in the single mens quarters.

Plus I was 1800km away :smiley: :smiley:

At least you can sleep in his office :blush: