Hong Kong is Finished

Hong Kong, as an outlier of the West, was always living on borrowed time, and no way was China going to wait the full 50 years before going in. Of course, they engineered the crisis that caused the protests knowing full well they could use damage to property etc. as a pretext to take over. But even I was taken aback by the speed and completeness of that takeover, done while the West was preoccupied. A tragedy for the people of Hong Kong, many who left China precisely because they did not want to live under arbitrary communist rule. Itā€™s done now.
Spare a thought for yourselves though, because China will use Hong Kong as platform to needle Taiwan. Itā€™s only a matter of time, and possibly this will come swiftly, before the China authorities stop the Taiwan Trade and Cultural Office in HK from issuing visas. That means visa runs to HK will become a thing of the past. Thailand anybody?

Unfortunately yes!
Second was rather mild.
Now over 1500 cases with eight deaths only so far.

The city is about to brace for lockdown which will exacerbate economic decline.

Hkā€™s 24/7/365 dynamic culture of capitalism is about to experience an unprecedented challenge of historical proportions.

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Bring it on. There are many other places to get visas.

Nowhere as remotely as convenient as Hong Kong though. Iā€™ve previously gotten visas in Thailand and the Philippines and remember it being a bit of a grub.

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The youth plus all those with financial resources are fleeing ASAP!

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Escape routes all blockedā€¦like in Tiananmen.

I used to have one or two Hong Kong students max in all of my uni classes combined.
This new semester I have ten.
How uncanny!


A point of view I donā€™t entirely agree with.


HK will just become another Chinese city
And possibly not a first tier one at that

The whole world was watching, and it made no difference.


Complacency of humanity is not ranked highly in dignity.