Hong Kong's Professional Elite Regret Pre-1997 Exodus

What’s lower than a 6/4 CCP apologist educated in the west?

I dunno, that’s about as low as my mind can imagine. But keep tryin, ac, I’m sure you will sway some of the undecided folks in Taiwan eventually, and do much worse. By the way, thanks for being so frank! :laughing: Idiot!


大紀元時報 also provides depictions of the CCP in a less flattering light. They are a well known Chinese newspaper circulating in HK as well.

If someone read 大紀元時報 articles and decided to leave HK out of fear, then in the future had remorse about their decision, isn’t the paper accountable at all?


You do know what newspapers were about back in 1989 don’t you?

Tell you what ac, be a good lad and nip down and get me a 1989 copy of Epoch Times and we’ll discuss it. Chop, chop!


[quote=“Huang Guang Chen”]What’s lower than a 6/4 CCP apologist educated in the west?
A gwailo who has nothing but contempt for the CCP and grinding his life away in HK for the glory of the PRC? :laughing:

Don’t tell me you’re still reading the Hong Kong Times?
Dinosaurs on the internet. :laughing:

How much lower can this thread go? So we’ve all been caught feeding the troll. And it’s all been a kind of adolescent Gotcha. And ac_dropout is going to tell us that all the time he was a Ph.D. in contemporary Chinese Sociolinguistics and we all fall about laughing. A great wheeze. But it’s all been done before. Black guy logs onto a website calling for “all niggers to be hanged” and watches the furore unfold and then tells us all “Hey! It’s OK! I’m Black myself!”


All the ill-informed bollocks is forgotten as the topic turns to the reaction to the racist comments posted, rather than the comments themselves. Very intellectually amusing. If you’re 13.

So we learn. Anything ac_dropout posts is written for himself. He comes on to waste the time of everyone here who actually has an opinion or interest in the matters under discussion. Zero contribution. Like the kid who asks for a long explanation of some difficult point of learning from a teacher and then when he’s finished says “ah well I don’t really give a shit - I was just asking to see what you’d say”.

Awesome. I prostate myself at the feet of the world’s greatest living wit. The Nelson Muntz of Forumosa.

Into the kill file you go.

Just like Usenet back in the day. Alt.politics.ac_dropout.

[quote=“ac_dropout”]Lord Lucan,

You’ve been reading the South China Morning Post far too long.[/quote]

What a come back! The Post! Snappy! Unpredictable!

[quote=“Jive Turkey”][quote=“ac_dropout”]
HK papers were basically UK papers at the time. No better than a mouthpiece. Droning on and on about Patten, the great fearless leader, to save the oppress masses of HK from the draconian PRC. [/quote]
Look back at Wenhuibao and Dagongbao archives for May and June of '89. Scathing coverage of the demonstrations and what followed. Those papers most certainly were not getting their coverage from western media. You have absolutely no fucking clue what you’re talking about.[/quote]

You’re wasting your time, I’m afraid.

[quote=“ac_dropout”][quote=“Tempo Gain”][quote=“ac_dropout”]
But back on point, don’t you think the western media over-exaggerated the “dangers” of HK returning to China?


China’s bloody history under the communists until that point wasn’t a secret and the western media never had a monopoly on it.[/quote]
Geez, one can say that about any country large or small.

I’m just throwing out there the silly idea that propaganda in the media, mass issuing of visas, etc; are tools used by countries to try in destabilize those they see as strategic competitors.[/quote]

Let’s move from a specific point about a specific place in a specific time to a banal generality in an attempt to obfuscate and hide one’s ignorance of the subject matter at hand, shall we?

One can say “China’s bloody history under the communists until that point wasn’t a secret and the western media never had a monopoly on it” about any county large or small. Brilliant. If only Mark Anthony had had this power of rhetoric.

Mate, it takes someone educated in the west to become a 6/4 apologist. Most educated people in China do not apologise for 6/4.

[quote]ow much lower can this thread go? So we’ve all been caught feeding the troll. And it’s all been a kind of adolescent Gotcha. And ac_dropout is going to tell us that all the time he was a Ph.D. in contemporary Chinese Sociolinguistics and we all fall about laughing. A great wheeze. But it’s all been done before. Black guy logs onto a website calling for “all niggers to be hanged” and watches the furore unfold and then tells us all “Hey! It’s OK! I’m Black myself!”


All the ill-informed bollocks is forgotten as the topic turns to the reaction to the racist comments posted, rather than the comments themselves. Very intellectually amusing. If you’re 13.

So we learn. Anything ac_dropout posts is written for himself. He comes on to waste the time of everyone here who actually has an opinion or interest in the matters under discussion. Zero contribution. Like the kid who asks for a long explanation of some difficult point of learning from a teacher and then when he’s finished says “ah well I don’t really give a shit - I was just asking to see what you’d say”.

Awesome. I prostate myself at the feet of the world’s greatest living wit. The Nelson Muntz of Forumosa.

Into the kill file you go.

Just like Usenet back in the day. Alt.politics.ac_dropout.[/quote]

Watching someone bankrupt themselves intellectually has the same kind of attraction as watching someone go double-up at the craps table…you know how it’s going to end but you can’t tear yourself away.

[i]“HA Haaa!”[/i]

[quote=“Elegua”]Mate, it takes someone educated in the west to become a 6/4 apologist. Most educated people in China do not apologise for 6/4.
But that’s not the discussion here. Once again the poorly educated keep wanting to confuse 6/4 with HK. The UK were the oppressors of HK during 6/4 not the PRC. There is no indication that anything close to 6/4 would ever happen in HK after the hand over.

These conjectures are only promoted by a group here on forumosa right now, and they aren’t Chinese.

Which goes back to my point about the media, only the western media feared the worst for HK, which never came true even after 10 years.

And now there are group of people living in regret because of these mis-information propagated in the media.

[quote=“ac_dropout”]The UK were the oppressors of HK during 6/4 not the PRC. These conjectures are only promoted by a group here on forumosa right now, and they aren’t Chinese.


You are a complete tit. What the fuck do you know? You never even lived there. I was there pre, during and post-handover. If the UK was the oppressor, how come when Chris Patten goes to HK they sometimes have to block off the streets because of the multitudes of oppressed people wishing to shake his hand? Didn’t see Hongkies kissing Tung Chee Hwa’s or Donald Tsang’s feet.


[quote=“ac_dropout”][quote=“Elegua”]Mate, it takes someone educated in the west to become a 6/4 apologist. Most educated people in China do not apologise for 6/4.
But that’s not the discussion here. Once again the poorly educated keep wanting to confuse 6/4 with HK. The UK were the oppressors of HK during 6/4 not the PRC. There is no indication that anything close to 6/4 would ever happen in HK after the hand over.[/quote]
Oh, yes. No indication whatsoever. You really crack me up.

[quote]These conjectures are only promoted by a group here on forumosa right now, and they aren’t Chinese.

Which goes back to my point about the media, only the western media feared the worst for HK, which never came true even after 10 years.[/quote]
With the above statements, you prove your lack of literacy in Chinese. No need for a proficiency test for you. Haha! An ethnic Chinese who can’t write natively, or even at a high level of proficiency in English and has not achieved basic reading skills in Chinese. I wouldn’t normally heckle someone with those sorts of linguistic challenges, but you’ve pretty much invited it.

You are a racist twit.


The more we beat this twat around the head, the more stupid his replies. And to think, he’s just the tip of this particular iceberg. Shudder!

I’m reminded of a poor little retarded kiddie so starved of attention he will do absolutely anything, from jumping off the roof to skinning the puppy just for a little bit of a look in.



For every 1 Honger that might have liked Chris Patten. There were 99 Hongers that resented UK presence and were quite happy to give the Queen the boot.

Institutional racism was ubiquitous when HK was under UK administration. More and more choice managment and executive position are going to locals after the handover, which is no surprise.

You’re the racist if you can’t even admit that living there so long.

Don’t tell me your one of the last few British expat still hanging in there as a FILTH (Failed In London Try Hong Kong).

Jive Turkey,

You’re also another closet racist unable to accept the fact the PRC never conducted anything close to 6/4 in HK. You claim to have participated and witness the various democracy marches in HK. Any tanks? Any military sweeping the public with machine gun fire?

Is Long Hair’s kidneys for sale on taobao.com yet?

You’ve read the polls conducted every year. What’s the polling number supporting HK reunification with UK these days?


For every 1 Honger that might have liked Chris Patten. There were 99 Hongers that resented UK presence and were quite happy to give the Queen the boot.

Institutional racism was ubiquitous when HK was under UK administration. More and more choice managment and executive position are going to locals after the handover, which is no surprise.

You’re the racist if you can’t even admit that living there so long.

Don’t tell me your one of the last few British expat still hanging in there as a FILTH (Failed London Try Hong Kong).
Jive Turkey,

You’re also another closet racist unable to accept the fact the PRC never conducted anything close to 6/4 in HK. You claim to have participated and witness the various democracy marches in HK. Any tanks? Any military sweeping the public with machine gun fire?

Is Long Hair’s kidneys for sale on taobao.com yet?

You’ve read the polls conducted every year. What’s the polling number supporting HK reunification with UK these days?[/quote]

Bet you wouldn’t say that to my face. I resent the racist comment as I never called you one. I called you a tit; positively mild in the light of your idiotic posts. I maintain that your posts are merely conjecture and frankly bullshit, mainly because you weren’t there and you clearly have little idea about Hong Kong, its institutions, it’s people or well, anything for that matter. Call me a racist one more time sunshine and…

Oh and it should be Failed IN London, Try Hong Kong. Well done smartypants you fucked up the acronym. Hahahaha

What the fuck is a “Honger”? Jesus, you are a dimwitted moron.



[quote=“ac_dropout”][quote=“Elegua”]Mate, it takes someone educated in the west to become a 6/4 apologist. Most educated people in China do not apologise for 6/4.
But that’s not the discussion here. Once again the poorly educated keep wanting to confuse 6/4 with HK. The UK were the oppressors of HK during 6/4 not the PRC. There is no indication that anything close to 6/4 would ever happen in HK after the hand over.

These conjectures are only promoted by a group here on forumosa right now, and they aren’t Chinese.

Which goes back to my point about the media, only the western media feared the worst for HK, which never came true even after 10 years.

And now there are group of people living in regret because of these mis-information propagated in the media.[/quote]

If HKG were oppressed under the UK, then they are oppressed now. Nothing much has changed in the political organization. Only the Honkies that kiss bejing ass get anything. :laughing:

What planet do you live on? Do you read anything other than the SCuM? If you did, then you’d know that there are a lot of unhappy consituents. You’d also know about the release of PLA plans to take over HKG is SARS got ‘out of hand’ or if the political situation surrounding Article 23 or the recent WTO conference got ‘out of hand’.

Hey, BTW, most people I know that left and came back, are doing quite well, thank you. Usually better than those who stayed as they are now employed in nice management positions thanks to the language and social skills they picked-up.

If they are FILTH, then what are you?

Maybe I’m being dense but I’m not sure I’m getting ac_dropout’s point so let me, as the old Red Guard saying used to go, “don the dunce cap” for a moment.

Is he saying that we in the West are so jealous that this is China’s century that we’re engaged in a concerted effort to denigrate China and its government at every opportunity-- even if that means resorting to lies?

If so then I can see this is going to be a long century before he and his like-minded compatriots work through what looks to be some sort of deep-rooted cultural inferiority complex issues.

Can’t imgine whay, but Tubthumper just burst into my head?

[quote]I get knocked down
But I get up again
You’re never going to keep me down

Pissing the night away
Pissing the night away[/quote]

Don’t tell me your one of the last few British expat still hanging in there as a FILTH (Failed In London Try Hong Kong). [/quote]

You don’t think he’s trying to be hurtful, do you?

I suppose that refined survey you obviously have access to and will post details of excludes the legions that fled in terror ahead of the handover? Hongers’ a good name by the way, ya useless wanger!

Aha! Bit couldn’t this also show that it’s on the rise now? Nothing has changed, HK is safe and free of China’s influence. We’re just winkling whitey out. Eedjit!

You really think that clown is a threat to anything other than further humiliation on how poorly your lot grasp politics? Come to think of it, why don’t you engage him in a public debate, we’ll film it and sell it as a comedy? I reckon its a winner! We’ll slip you some spam and macaroni soup. Good boy . . . chop, chop!

[quote]Jive turkey

You’re also another closet racist unable to accept the fact the PRC never conducted anything close to 6/4 in HK. You claim to have participated and witness the various democracy marches in HK. Any tanks? Any military sweeping the public with machine gun fire? [/quote]

:laughing: Christ! Have you heard the things he says to his wife and kids?

No idea, but I would have loved to have seen the results when Sars was afoot. Fickle people. Bah!

Please tell me you didnt actually pay for an education. If you did I’d be calling consumaer affairs.


They call me 老夫子 whenever I’m in HK. I was told that’s a good thing.

Yes they are regretless because they returned to HK. But there are those unfortunate that still live in regret and no longer have right to abode in HK.

Beijing has shown much more patience with the Hongers than London ever was in all comparable instances.

London forced the PAL video format on HK. London oppressed HK to drive on the wrong side of the road. The list of inhumane treatment is endless.

My biggest gripe is after 100 years the Brits couldn’t even enforce Received Pronoucation on the island. WTF, the whole island sounds like a bunch of FOBs. Even the Brits sound funny after staying a year in HK.

I’m sure he can post those things in the D&R section of forumosa.