My SO’s sister is in town, with her boyfriend, and requested to stay in our guest room for about a week. I have been requested by my SO to inform her sister that she is not to have sex in the guest bedroom during her stay.
Being the type of person that always expands the topic at hand, I mention to my SO that they could be having sex elsewhere in the house once I informed them of this ban.
I feel uncomfortable approaching the sister because she is a younger version of my SO, and well I would feel kind of a hypocrite banning someone from having sex, who I wouldn’t mind tiffing myself.
Her boyfriend I barely know, but again I would feel like such a hypocrite because what better time for tiffing then when traveling to a romantic destination.
Any advise on how the keep the peace in the house?
Heh - my grandmother had similar rules a couple of years ago when the whole family stayed at her house. My wife and I were put together in the same room, but my brother and his fiancee had to sleep in separate rooms. Grandma’s old school, so it was no big deal.
Not enough bedrooms to go around for everyone, I’m afraid. 1 person is going to be sleeping on the sofa bed if everyone is forced to sleep in seperate rooms.
Although I have been playing with the idea of going over to their house on the same week.
[quote=“ac_dropout”]My SO’s sister is in town, with her boyfriend, and requested to stay in our guest room for about a week. I have been requested by my SO to inform her sister that she is not to have sex in the guest bedroom during her stay.
It is hypocritical - after all, you and your SO are not married, either (right?), so why should your SO care whether her sister is having sex or not? And if the sister and boyfriend are staying in the same room, same bed, how will your SO or you police this rule?
But - it is your SO’s sister, so if she wants such a stupid rule, SHE should be the one to tell HER sister, not you. I don’t even see why you have to worry about the details at all.
It has nothing to do with marriage as far as I can tell. I think it is more about my SO pet peeve of other people having sex in the house. I remember a few months ago a college buddy of mine stop by for a weekend. After he left she insisted on washing the linens, in case he spank the monkey…
I reminded her that she is considered quite attractive…
To which I became a recipient of a cold glare and a flat “don’t be disgusting.”
I have no idea how she plans to enforce this rule, since the survallinace camera face outside the house. Unless she wants to get one of those nanny monitoring teddy bears with the camera in it…hmm…I would be in favor of that.
Don’t Taiwanese sisters have the pinky promise that can never be broken.
You have a point here. I will have to put my foot down the next time this subject is broached. Blood is thicker bodily fluid here.
So, your SO just doesn’t want to know that her sister is having sex?
Remove all the doors in the appartment. And the first day, walk around naked. Then, after that shocker, the slightest noise anywhere in the apparetment will most likely cease all coital activity.
Don’t most people have a special stealth version when it comes to this situation? I mean it it should be a quickie and fairly quiet when the others have turned in for the night. It really adds excitement when there is a chance of getting caught. Shag away!
I reminded her that she is considered quite attractive…
What does this have to do with anything?? Sounds to me like you have a thing for the sister :s[/quote]
He was telling his SO that he thinks his college buddy was masturbating while thinking of her.
I reminded her that she is considered quite attractive…
What does this have to do with anything?? Sounds to me like you have a thing for the sister :s[/quote]
He was telling his SO that he thinks his college buddy was masturbating while thinking of her.[/quote]
Even though that may go on, can you really imagine a local lass being happy hearing that information?
I agree with bababa that SHE should be the one telling her own sister about this this rule. After all, it’s your SO’s rule and your SO’s sister.[/quote]
Me three. What a load of bollox. Tell your SO to tell her OWN sister.
I agree with bababa that SHE should be the one telling her own sister about this this rule. After all, it’s your SO’s rule and your SO’s sister.[/quote]
Me three. What a load of bollox. Tell your SO to tell her OWN sister.[/quote]
No. Tell your SO to have her OWN sister have a menage-a-trois with you and your SO to be recorded by teddy cam. and shared on forumosa. Post-haste.
AC can we have your address so we can all come over and have sex in your house?
your SO sounds a bit weird…if a couple comes and stays in ones spare room surely it is the height of bad manners to insist on a no-nookie rule…personally the thought of people having sex in my spare room is a good thing…so long as they dont make too much noise and dont trash the bed springs…
“what the world needs now is love, and lots of bonking to go with it”
This thread subject sounds so promising, so please meet the expectations, have sex with your house guests and then post us the story. Don’t forget the pictures of course.
Even after reading the whole thread, I don’t see why your SO cares - wouldn’t you wash the sheets anyway after they leave so the sheets are clean for the next person?
And wouldn’t her sister (if her sister is anything like your SO) be incredibly creeped out that her sister’s SO is telling her not to have sex in the spare room? Might your SO be trying to bump you out of the picture?
My SO has come to a compromise I must inform her sister that she must wash the bed sheets. So they can have sex but just not tell her about it. But I’m like won’t you be suspicious when they are washing the linens everyday?
I tried mentioning that she didn’t tell my college buddy to wash the bed sheet. She retorted that’s because he came alone for 3 days, a man can abstain from sex for three days and hold it in. I held my tongue because I was like no they can’t and there was no point in delving into the inner secrets of men mastering their domains.
Upon mentioning the nanny cam, my SO became extremely inquisitive and made me scour the web for nanny cam. I was able to dig up the following clip using various searches for spy cams.
When she viewed this she said it was the most disgusting thing she ever saw (even though that’s not what she said to me last week when we were starring in the same scene, without the camera of course) and to never show it to her again. However, she told me to have the nanny cam express mailed because her sister will be here this weekend.
My goodness, what kind of Taiwanese freak-in-bed is in the making here…
She’s testing me, right? By buying this nanny cam and having it express mail is suppose to illustrate my concerns for her needs, right?