How Amateur Sleuths Broke the Wuhan Lab Story and Embarrassed the Media

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Normally I have a NYTimes subscription, but it’s January, which means I have just cancelled all the subscriptions that I let myself tempted into during the past year.

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It’s so obvious what happened, the signs were everywhere – Fauci et al knew if they walked down that path at the start of the pandemic that it would build momentum behind lab-origin and that it would quickly lead to Nuclear War between China and the West – a war that nobody in the West is ready to fight. China deliberately released the the COVID virus, which is probably their supply chain bioweapon designed to fight trade wars, in order to retaliate for the escalating Trade War which officially started in 2018. China needed some trick to come out on top and they knew this was their only way to do it. China probably even planned for it a decade in advance because they knew one day the US would finally wake up and be like “hey wait you guys have been cheating us, its time we make things fair again” and that’s exactly what happened. They started rolling their propaganda into full gear in 2018, they had every Chinese diplomat open up 500+ Twitter accounts in 2019 to prepare to flood social media with covid misinformation and identity-politics, and they demanded a “natural disaster and unforeseen events” clause be added to the Phase 1 deal before they would sign anything.

China has probably been planning to release some kind of virus since the first day they decided to build a BioLab right in the Beating Heart of their Supply Chain. That alone is a major crime in itself which the whole CCP should be in prison for - they should have never built that lab in that location to begin with, and that’s probably why it took so long for a President to start a trade war with China because officials were saying that China has been holding a knife at the throat of the world’s supply chain via these strategically placed biolabs and such.

In summary it was/is in everyone’s best interest to avoid a Nuclear War between China and the West.

Thank you for sharing. :roll_eyes:



I dunno. If I were to purposefully release a virus to wreak havoc on the world, I wouldn’t release it two blocks away from a lab that is clearly designed to engineer said virus.


I’m sure I’ve said that as well somewhere upthread. Nonetheless, his/her conspiracy theory lives on. :hear_no_evil:


I might if I wanted people to believe it was, or could be, a lab leak. Might easily. One which the Americans had a hand in to boot. Not to say that happened! I think I said this somewhere above too


Oh sure

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There are other things that really don’t fit in with this though, like the Chinese government subsequently trying to obscure the origin and block journalists from visiting the mines in Yunnan etc. I think if they had wanted to deliberately release it, they’d do so in India or somewhere, or at least not have the WIV publish multiple publicly available papers on their work into bat coronaviruses…


Could be! But, if they knew that the structure of the virus was likely to be suspicious sooner or later, they might go another way. That being said, those things and a lot of things are most easily explained as pointing towards a lab leak, and that seems like a much more likely scenario IMO.

I would have spread the virus from an airport with international tourism traffic and third-world-country level management, something like Phuket, Bali or Paris.

Theoretically that wouldn’t work because after a month the area would be quarantined and flooded with researchers to study and locate the origin. Look at any Ebola, SARS, Swine Flu, West Nile, Zika outbreak - usually there is quick action before it spreads into a high impact World Wide Pandemic. Covid was different, there was effort to hide it from the beginning, there was corruption within WHO, and there was preemptive preparation from China which siphoned masks and ppe from all over the world leaving little for anyone else. Add that to the list of reasons why China would benefit from domestic release - they can get all the PPE first.

Covid has been spreading since as early as the October 2019 Military Games in China. That’s 5 months of spreading without world wide lockdowns but wasn’t until Jan 2020 that China locked down and recorded 4K deaths - they quickly defeated it after 2 months and they were back at work.

China needed potentially 3 to 6 months for the virus to effectively establish itself before it could essentially work on autopilot. China probably figured they can control it better themselves to allow it to “Thrive”, block media, ban search words and control wechat, etc all in an effort to allow the virus to take hold.

From there, if China succeeded then you would see the worst infections in countries with the most international airports, which is exactly what happened. The US has the most international airports on earth, followed by Brazil, Russia, etc — ranking Covid deaths by country and most international airports yields same results — the only outlier being China which begs the question if China genetically engineered the variant so that it is harder to spread among the local population, or maybe slightly less lethal, but once it reaches other countries it rapidly spread as we see all around the world. This would explain why China has been able to repeatedly get outbreaks under control with merely dozens or hundreds of cases compared to other countries dealing with thousands and tens of thousands when flare ups happen of new cases in much less densely populated areas.

People want to give credit to China’s oppressive tactics for containing covid but I think it’s all for show - I think they use it as an excuse to do targeted supply chain disruptions to specific factories at different times. It’s doubtful they actually contained covid when it’s been shown to spread through entire apartment buildings after single infections — maybe China gave itself a genetic advantage.

Ive often wondered about this. I guess it isn’t popular to talk about.
It would explain a few things in Taiwan

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They certainly have the genetic technology, knowledge, and wherewithal to do so. Genetic targeting used to be only science fiction but now it’s very feasible, especially with China’s ‘investment’ in global genetic testing companies.

How? We got savaged by the alpha outbreak in 2021 (so perhaps “our” genetic susceptibility did not extend to this “UK” variant?).

And remember Dr Li in Wuhan, the would-be whistle-blower who died trying to tell people about the virus . . .


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I honestly think you’re substantially overestimating current technology and scientific understanding here. I imagine there might be racial differences in things that could make a difference to disease susceptibility/outcome, e.g., ACE2 alleles or some epithelial mucosa factors (variation of the former is known to have effects at the individual level), but designing a virus to target/not target a specific race seems way ahead of what’s currently possible for multiple reasons, e.g., current limitations of computationally modeling these interactions even at the protein-protein level (notwithstanding all the additional very complex stuff at the cellular and organism levels) and the limited applicability of in vitro assays to whole organisms.

There are at least two additional problems with this theory:

  • It’s a virus, so will mutate once released. Any initial racial selectivity, which would certainly be genetically encoded, is therefore liable to be lost during host adaptation, especially if released in an essentially racially homogeneous population that’s the race you’re trying to avoid affecting.
  • A large difference doesn’t seem to be supported by the data: UK data seem to suggest people of Chinese origin are slightly more at risk of dying, or slightly more at risk of dying for males and slightly less at risk of dying for females, depending on how the data are corrected (Fig. 1), while US data seem to indicate a slightly lower risk of hospitalization and death for US “Asians” (but that doesn’t appear to be adjusted for socioeconomic factors etc.). Incidentally, black people and minorities seem to have drawn the short straw here, by a factor that’s much bigger than the difference between white people and Asians/Chinese.

I imagine there would be more plausible explanations for the observations mentioned (China’s supposed lack of cases - strict restrictions; Taiwan’s apparent resilience so far - mask wearing and/or…I don’t know, though note the unusually high case fatality rate last summer; the West’s large number of cases - unhealthiness, a tendency toward selfishness and general pandemic-irresponsible behavior). But there seem to be more plausible explanations for most of the other theories in @snowstorm’s post as well, so…


China is making efforts to prove the virus not only didn’t come from a Wuhan Lab, but that it didn’t even originate in China. “Guilty-party-does-what?”

Yeah, also probably time we stop sharing genetic data with the Chinese Communist Party…

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High degree of confidence that Covid-19 came from Wuhan Lab

CBS Video:
Around 6:20 John Ratcliffe states high degree of confidence that Covid-19 came from Wuhan Lab:

Meanwhile the Chinese Communist Party is collecting the DNA of all its opponents…