How do you ask a girl out?

yes, it is real. I’ve heard it

I think generally women find larger stature men attractive. Even really short and small ones. I think a guy being able to physically handle her like just grab her and pick her up does something to women’s brains.

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Idk, I think it will still work but most people seem to meat on apps now a days.

Not always the case, but I think it’s true that people in general just aren’t as used to the direct approach anymore. They might find it particularly bold, since most guys are so wishy washy these days.

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ha ha ha. I’m with you on that one! Yeah they do seem to like that.

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Done the friends with benefits thing a few times that also unexpectedly included listening to them talk about if they should marry a certain guy or not.

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Yup done that, been there, got the t-shirt.

Yeah that’s how the cavemen did it back in the day. See some girl you like just grab her and pick her up and carry her back to the cave. Fight off anyone who tries to stop you.

Things have evolved slightly since then.

That being said once I’m able to get alone time it is great to find an opportunity to pick her up under some pretense like “oh my goodness you are so healthy and in shape and you must weigh only ten pounds , let me see…and pick her up with her permission”.

Linger with her in your arms a couple of seconds and let her go. Usually works for me.

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I’m with you in the incredulity of this, but (apparently) Taiwanese mothers are never approving, even of friends let alone boyfriends. I only have this about “why” on limited info. I suspect it would be the case that if they were worth bringing home then they could, but I’m out of my depth here.

Only peripherally related, but one of my favorite slang terms in Chinese is the one for third wheel — 電燈泡.

So funny. I just imagine trying to put the moves on your date in a dark room, and then someone coming in and turning on the brightest light in there. Mood, killed.

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“Ya don’t eat where ya shit” good advice in most instances. Many lives and jobs have been wrecked by not remembering this simple word of advice.

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This is the gay version, but it’s the most straight up:

I think it’s “ya don’t shit where you eat”

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Either way wash your hands afterwards.


Then you may see that the girls has huge feet and thick wrists :grinning:

Hobbits ?

**[quote=“shiadoa, post:95, topic:176280, full:true”]

Then you may see that the girls has huge feet and thick wrists :grinning:


Especially in Thailand

This. But also because of Me Too, I’ve found myself in awkward mental debates on whether to ask someone out on set (I work in film). Or where the line is between friendly and inappropriate. I know it’s for the best in the long run, but just right now it’s a bit of a puzzle— and again, somewhat awkward.

Don’t showmances come with no strings attached?

Well here’s thing, we’re at a teeeeeny bit of an over correction right now, IMO. I definitely trust we are and will find the proper balance, inevitably.

Plus (and this is huge), journalists don’t usually write about sheet metal factory scandals, but they do in abundance and daily write about film industry ones. Even if the case hasn’t been settled or resolved, they report it. And that’s when the internet mob culture kicks in.

I know I’m not gonna be intentionally predatory. But apparently it’s sometimes not how it was intended, but how it’s received. On rare occasions those reported accusations turn out to be unfair, but overwhelmingly most of the time the accusations are justified. We’re all learning.

But that means a bit o’ awkwardness for me.

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