How do you deal with it?

He can probably troll a boring party up, :rofl:

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If he’s under 30, signing up for the military might solve a lot of his problems, including the alcoholism. I know that sounds an odd thing to say, given that drinking heavily is part-and-parcel of the army lifestyle, but the armed forces of most countries take a dim view of out-of-control drinking, and you can expect to find yourself in deep shit for drink-related screwups. This might work out better for the OP than “stop drinking”.

I don’t know much about the Australian military so I can’t comment. But even if there’s a culture of drinking, I can’t imagine full-blown alkies being able to make it past the recruitment process to begin with. The military accepts a lot of bums but they still have standards in place. So they can’t help him dial back the habit if they don’t even let him in.

Unless you have actual mental or physical problems that are unresolvable, or a criminal record, they’ll let you in with the proviso that you shape up during basic training. If you bugger that up, you’re out.

I suppose it depends how badly he wants to fix this. I get the feeling he really doesn’t want it that badly at all.


Yeah I think with his current attitude he wouldn’t make it and the military would just kick him out. Dunno if getting booted would make it harder for him to get in later if he wanted to, or if that became his only option, so that’s concerning.

Not for you it ain’t.

That’s damn right. But I do worry about the young men who turn out like this and I hope they find a path forward, if only so they don’t completely lose their shit and shoot up a fucking mall.


Don’t waste your youth chasing women. Go build a life. The freedom of not being a slave to your every desire of pleasure and instant gratification will give you the mindset and motivation to do everything you ever wanted.

That’s the best advice I can give to someone who is a incel.


I’ve just realised this thread is basically the plot of Deadpool 2.

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How does it end for the protagonist. :thinking:

I thought the concept of incelism was that they’ve already given up on chasing women (or men). :thinking:

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no, incel stands for involuntary celibate. So it seems to indicate a desire to have sex but can’t find a sexual partner.

I know it stands for that, but my impression was that by assuming the label you indicate a kind of resignation or acceptance of your situation, however grudgingly, and thus indicate that you’re not going to try anymore and will instead just sit around being grumpy all the time and trying to share your grumpiness with others.

I must have missed some earlier discussions, as I didn’t even know OP was an incel. What do you think of all this, @Uncreativeusername?

My understanding is that there are different ideologies in the incel community. Some have accepted the concept of biological determinism where they are just genetically unfit.

He has not said he was an incel specifically to my knowledge, but it seems he has not been successful in finding a romantic partner for some time if ever. And people have found some similar overlaps of what he has said to what the incel community believes.

Or, you drive around a university campus shooting women or men you consider to be sexually active.


There’s also that, but we’re trying to be positive in this thread, aren’t we? :rainbow:


That guy (Roger Eliot?) is a hero among incels, which is positive in a way.

Imagine that. Their hero is a guy who killed unarmed people because he couldn’t get laid.


I pity them in a way, I’m always willing to help someone get their life together. I think it’s hard to be a man, and not everyone had the guidance on how to become one. And it’s not so intuitive to many people. Incels are mostly just lost and went the wrong way.

Interesting article about the woman (!) who created the term “incel” in the 90s, and turned her back on the culture when it became a toxic hotbed of misogyny. Back when it started, men and women both identified with the term and it was more about self-improvement and support than directing anger and sexually-charged resentment at others, but of course that’s long in the past now.