How do you mute a poster who has a hidden profile?

Is this an example of that “white fragility” we’ve all been hearing so much about lately? :thinking:

Your post? Yes, it would seem to be self-referential.

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At least the fragility hasn’t affected your ability to make witty ripostes.

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That might be more white privilege. He has a computer and internet access after all. Shame that one has to shut people down in order to feel like one belongs or fits in.

You may be right. It’s so hard to keep up with all that constantly changing intersectionality lingo.

That night? Which night? That night at band camp?

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With my old flower, I didn’t even catch that typo, ha.

Just have to know the big two:

White guilt has been described by psychologists such as Lisa B. Spanierman and Mary J. Heppner as one of the psychosocial costs of racism for white individuals along with empathy (sadness and anger) for victims of racism and fear of non-whites.[7]

In the study of white privilege, and its broader field of whiteness studies, academic perspectives such as critical race theory use the concept to analyze how racism and racialized societies affect the lives of white or white-skinned people.

Yeah, I was like, cowman didn’t make no typ—oh, wait…

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Ouch. That’s giving me flashbacks of my college days in Berkeley. Imagine taking classes in how to hate your own skin color…


Imagine having to take a professional training with admin, teachers, supervisors and your boss as “co-facilitators” and not being able to maintain control over one’s bullshit filter facial muscles.

This just in:

Come on, man. “Kung Flu” was hilarious.


If only you’d gone to college 20 years later…you would’ve aced it.

Nights of white privilege, never reaching the end, long posts I have written, never meaning to send


I got my certificate of completion along with a shrug from the main NYU guy, who told me, He was proud of my progress and that we are all on our own path. I said, so why did we all read the same materials and not one opposing viewpoint?


Isn’t Nights in White Satin the KKK theme song or something?

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Clearly a white nationalist anthem, yes

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Sensing a white theme:

Chock full of racist dog whistles in any case.

I wanna hear more about those classes…

Why is your user profile hidden?