How do you mute a poster who has a hidden profile?

So you can’t see that I live in Taiwan and that “ I like spending time with my family, music, non-fiction books, classic video games, virtually any sport, and playing guitar poorly.”

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Just comes across as dodgy.

What comes across as dodgy? I promise, I play guitar poorly.

Why did you do it?

Can you please speak with more specificity? Can you read that I live in Taiwan and that I play guitar poorly or not? I don’t understand what you’re asking.

Why did you make yourself more anonymous?

More anonymous how? What can’t you see that you want to see?

I don’t know. Your profile is hidden.

[quote=“BiggusDickus, post:18, topic:192899, full:true”]

So you can’t see in my profile where I say “ I like spending time with my family, music, non-fiction books, classic video games, virtually any sport, and playing guitar poorly.”?

[quote=“Mithrandir, post:19, topic:192899, full:true”]

No, I can’t.

[quote=“BiggusDickus, post:20, topic:192899, full:true”]

[quote=“Mithrandir, post:19, topic:192899, full:true”]

Typically I am wary of online sites collecting my information and don’t share, but I don’t recall blocking that information (otherwise, why would I write it?). I’ve been playing with the settings and can’t find something I’ve ticked which would do this.

[quote=“Mithrandir, post:21, topic:192899, full:true”]

[quote=“BiggusDickus, post:20, topic:192899, full:true”]

Fair enough. I was just interested why. I’m a nosey bugger.

[quote=“BiggusDickus, post:22, topic:192899, full:true”]

[quote=“Mithrandir, post:21, topic:192899, full:true”]

[quote=“BiggusDickus, post:20, topic:192899, full:true”]

No worries. I’ve always assumed that people could read what I wrote about myself…I wrote if for a reason, after all. However I don’t want anyone to know about my email address, credit card numbers (for giving cups of coffee), real name, or anything else that fanatics could use to dox me or otherwise bring online conversations into the real world without my consent.

It’s in Preferences/Interface/Other. It wouldn’t show any of the things you mention (unless you opted to enter your name in the field in Preferences), just your user popup and userpage (you can see other users’ for comparison if you click on their icon and popup).


Thanks, I’ll take a look. Any chance you can remove all this off-topic conversation from this thread?

ED: I just went and found the option. What exactly will become public that isn’t currently so if I change that option? Is it only what I wrote about myself and where I am?

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Sending you a PM to show you.

He plays guitar poorly because he doesn’t practice and can’t be bothered to actually find a good instructor.

jk I know what that question was about. :laughing:


I just checked mine…

I have no recollection of ever checking that box. Is that the default? And has no one been able to see my profile this entire time?


I think some users hide their profiles so others won’t have access to their post history. And I’m sure some just do it for privacy’s sake. Seems in some cases it’s even unintentional.

Mithrandir’s profile is not hidden. Not sure why it would appear that way.

It’s not hidden now cos he just unhid it. It was hidden.

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