How do you write an "X"?

Same here. Cursive in #7, but usually in print #8. Learning Koine Greek forced me to write χ via #7, but that never affected how I still write the english "x’ via #8.

I suppose it depends on how one was taught but there may still be other influences at play. A little like the , "Which leg do you insert first , when putting on a pair of trousers? "/

I’d bet almost all Chinese would be 8 (top to bottom, left to right) lefties might do it differently to right handers, I’m 7.


… 7?!

For real? Seems so unnatural to me.

I’m a 5. Where did I go wrong. …

If I write an X, then it’s 7. If I write a ㄨ(wū), then it is an 8 for me.

Left handed, always number 7. It flows – like a backwards lowercase “alpha”.

I just write out my whole name.

Ha, my father used to write his number 2 starting from the bottom. Weirdest thing I ever saw.

One thing I’ve noticed here is everyone writes their numbers exactly the same way. They often can’t read my numbers, especially my 6 and 4, because they differ from the standard.

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I also write my lowercase p from the bottom looping up in one stroke. Opposite from my lowercase d. It’s weird but it’s just how I do it.

My parents both have illegible handwriting. My mom writes some of the ugliest Chinese I’ve ever seen. I am no different…

I wonder how heritable bad handwriting is?

Me too! My 4 looks like a 十 or a ㄐdepending how quickly i write it. My d is a backwards 6.

Have you ever noticed that people write the number 9 backwards? Like a P kinda.

My boss does that. He even knows it’s backwards, but still does it.

I used to write a 9 , starting from top right , drawing a vertical line down, the adding a “c” to the top half ( if that makes sense? I now do the round version in one… 9 style, starting from the middle and working clock-wise .

  • 7 (script)
  • 8 (block)
  • ↄc (math)

Also I went through the same 9-transition as @shiadoa, and even curl it to the left at the bottom now like in many fonts. I mostly use the Taiwanese-style numbers now vs. American as (a) they are more widely understood here and (b) they simply look better.

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I do 8 usually.

My Mother used to cross the figure 7.

That’s a European custom, to distinguish 7 from 1 (which looks like /\ ).

I hate the way the 3 is written here.

I write my number 4 as on the left. This invariably drives Taiwanese nuts because, if I’m filling out a form, they always “correct” my 4 to look like the one on the right.


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That’s how I write mine.