How Important is Money to Taiwanese Girls?

Hey! I love that place! I was devastated when the only one in KH closed.


I guess I’m just a bit tired of the online dating process. It is a lot of work to keep up with girls, come up with witty responses with half who do not reply. You’re doomed if you don’t come up with something interesting enough to reply to, you’re doomed if you do.

The ones that do, you work up to asking them on a date, and then you get ghosted anyway. It is a bit mentally draining after a while. This one I practically closed the deal but bailed out last minute.

Was talking to another girl for a while and then she tells me she’s going back to her country tomorrow, so another one bites the dust.

Yesterday I had a date who stood me up, was the first time in years that happened. She also blocked me without ever responding. Also had a recent break up with a girl I’ve been seeing for a while who I did like a lot. So just been having a string of bad experiences. This one was the one that broke the camel’s back.


Maybe, but saying even a one word reply about it can go a long way. I can also assure you I didn’t make it sound like a big deal, it was only in passing in our long banter convo before leading to this point.

My only advice for you is to stop going on online dates. Those dating apps give men an unfair disadvantage because the number of men who use those apps outnumber women by a long shot.

You’ll land much more eligible women if you meet them in person.


My only advice for you is to stop going on online dates. Those dating apps give men an unfair disadvantage because the number of men who use those apps outnumber women by a long shot.

You’ll land much more eligible women if you meet them in person.
I’m curious where would be some good places to meet women IRL? Sorry if this sounds like a dumb question, I’m from the US and not local so I have no idea where good places would be besides bars.

I think some percentage of these girls are just looking for witty responses, they want free entertainment and have no intention of meeting anyways. When it gets to the point where she has to meet, she can bail to the next ego boost.

It sucks, but I found sticking with it led to dates. Right now I’ve been seeing the same girl for a few months and she’s great

I have found meeting quickly is a good idea. If they won’t meet, I won’t chat long. Remember, you’re not the only match, so I don’t suggest moving slow.

Sucks dude, sorry you’ve hit a dry patch. I know how that feels. Don’t give up. I paid for Tinder for a while about a year ago, that helps if you’re not getting matches

Don’t give up, something will come along


Thanks man I appreciate it. I’ll keep on pushing through. Thanks for the tips as well. I’m also glad it’s been working out well for you and your new girl :smiley:

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In sales, the least effective approach is cold calling, and the most effective is referrals. Same goes with dating.

I moved to Taiwan from the US two years ago, and knew exactly one person (an old college acquaintance, actually). I now have a pretty wide social circle, and I can trace everyone I’ve met over the last two years back to this old college friend I barely even knew.

As a foreigner who just moved to Taiwan with zero connections here, going to language exchange activities is a great way to get your foot in the door. While you may not necessarily find someone you’re interested in at those activities, you will most likely be invited to other activities and be introduced to their friends.

And finally, don’t be afraid to host activities yourself. Start by inviting the people you meet at language exchanges. I assume you have a pretty sweet pad. Apartments here are generally small as I’m sure you’re aware, and people really appreciate having a friend with a nice pad with a spacious living room and a sweet TV setup (for game nights, movies, karaoke, etc.).


OP should have asked the lady what type of food she like, before telling her to eat sushi.


I considered joining clubs for a while. Hash House Harriers, walking and drinking, was the specific one I considered. I knew a guy in Thailand who had good luck with Toastmasters. Find a club that suits you, and you can meet people doing something you like. Maybe you won’t meet a girl, but you’ll make friends who know people and some of those people are girls. It’s an option


Language exchange activities sounds like a great idea. Where would I find that exactly, or are there any ones you recommend?

I unfortunately do not have a close friend here in Taiwan. Met a few through the girl I dated before but now that we’re broken up I doubt anything further can be fostered on that front.

Good idea I’ll give joining a club a shot. And tbh I’m equally fine meeting new people, it doesn’t have to always be about chicks. Thanks man.

That’s a link to a Facebok group with 50k members. Some German dude posted and got 65 responses, some cuties there


Who’s eating sushi for $3USD?

Thank you sir!

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Yeah but how much better is the sushi? I’ll bet the high tier in LA is more about clientele. The sushi’s about the same maybe? :idunno:

Good sushi at $30 in LA is a great deal. You can easily spend $50USD in LA for not particularly special sushi. Agreed that $100 is about where good sushi is at.

I’ve had good sushi in Taiwan, and it wasn’t cheap. And I’ve had bad sushi in Taiwan, at much more than 1000ntd.

Unfortunately I don’t have any specifics to recommend. I go to one sometimes but it’s down south in Kaohsiung. They usually have Facebook groups you can search for.

Yup, different sides of the same coin. More friends = more chicks (through introductions, friends of friends of friends, etc.).

There’s about 12 million women in Taiwan. You might need to reconsider trying to find specific behaviours common to all of them.


I think you’re getting too hung up on the sushi. A $1000 restaurant is a high-end restaurant, regardless of what foods they offer or how good the food actually is.