How long until life returns to normal?

I think the economic fallout for the US really depends on who wins the election. If Trump wins, the economic fallout will be relatively short (1-2 years). If Joe wins, the fallout will be much longer as anyone who received funds will have to have a transgendered POC on their board, never fire anyone, and cut their carbon footprint in half. Remember, nothing gets the economy going like injecting the federal government into every aspect of every business!



i really wish i could say something like the last cow laughing laughs the best. but unfortunately iā€™m not too hopeful. may we all have fun with four more years of trump and maybe even more yay :expressionless:

Thatā€™s the spirit. Another optimist like me!

Who should run in 2024? Ivanka?

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just for the records, iā€™m 100% a pessimist and things are bound to get worse.

I donā€™t like any of it besides FEMA. I think the US could do more if the government gave itā€™s citizens a dollar per dollar tax credit for charity.

ivanka, jared, mike, change the constitution? i donā€™t know

That wonā€™t cut it. People are losing their shirts in the US. Businesses closed. You cant have people without healthcare going broke en masse.

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I knew there must be a reason for that last out there comment. Thatā€™s some real enthusiasm!

I get it. I used to be a pessimist. But now I never bet against the human race. You have to admit, weā€™re pretty damn successful as a species.

As @Dr_Milker said in another thread,

Uniquely successful and profoundly stupid at once. thatā€™s what gets me about humans.

Would they be going broke if they kept more of their money that worked for? Why would I get an entry level job that requires me to pay payroll taxes off the bat, cost of transportation, cost of new clothes, even childcare when I can get welfare benefits?

Wait, is it still racist if an ethnically Chinese person wrote it?

are you kidding me? i gave the human race about a 100 years before this virus, now iā€™m not

No, Iā€™m completely serious. Sorry youā€™re in that headspace.

American students could be considered lazy in that respect. You could also suggest that they are at school to learn academic and social skills, not cleaning skills. And letā€™s face it, the Taiwanese students do a crap job of cleaning the schools as it is. I end up re-cleaning the space around my desk, dusting off the books in the library and classrooms, and have to clean the lunch table (indoors) before I can eat because itā€™s always covered in bird shit (we wanna talk about how diseases break out, my co-workers donā€™t think thereā€™s anything wrong with eating at a bird-poop covered table). All tasks the students are supposed to do but run out of time to do because they need to get back to taking their tests.

And I donā€™t want to hear another word about Taiwanese students having better behavior than American ones. There is a clear gender divide between the ā€œwell behavedā€ and ā€œbadly behavedā€ in Taiwan. The girls are quiet and sit pretty at their desks and worry about their hair and avoiding the sunlight. The boys are throwing each other to the ground and breaking things at will. Yeah, if a teacher catches them they get yelled at and have to clean it up, but it doesnā€™t stop them from doing it again 20 minutes later. What most boys do in the first 30 seconds of their break time would be a detention, suspension, and maybe even expulsion in an American school. Arrest at a low-income/majority minority school in the city.

In my classes with younger students, there is zero patience from either gender. You walk in to the classroom and set down a box on the front table and before you set your bag down the students have already taken it off the table and spilled the contents across the room. Never in my life would my classmates and I have gotten away with that in the US, but Iā€™ve only ever had co-teachers and parents roll their eyes and say things like ā€œē…©ę­»äŗ†" and then proceed to clean up the mess themselves when screeching at the kids doesnā€™t get them to clean it up. My practice as teacher is to take things away from students until they learn to have the patience to keep their hands to themselves and use the materials as they were designed to be used. My co-teachers think that the appropriate thing to do when a student is being a fussy brat is to just let them be a fussy brat, running off with and potentially breaking whatever it was that was supposed to be used in the class.

And the only reason this virus is contained in Taiwan is because of government action. Taiwanese people continue to think that wearing a mask on their chin makes them immune to any disease. Proper hand-washing and any mouth-covering are generally unheard of.

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may i assume your 50+? if not iā€™m sorry, but regardless of your age. itā€™s a real concern for the 1980/90+ generation. itā€™s not even all about ecological concerns, but also economical. pension funds are sharply skewed towards the elder generations on the cost of the younger ones. health costs as well. how are we supposed to pay for all of that? it just doesnā€™t look sustainable.

These are all real problems, but when things become unsustainable, we innovate ourselves out of them. Thatā€™s what the human race has been doing ever since we climbed out of the trees and onto the savanna. Have a little faith.