How long will Ghislaine Maxwell stay alive?

You forgot this one:


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Tucker jokingly(?) suggests Maxwell might be under suicide watch. And asks if she is the type.

Then talks about all the democratic connections.

Not being a kingpin, she has more options to negotiate, spill the juicy stories, and get back to her extravagant life.

The FBI probably has a lot of info about people so if she tries to circumvent or sidestep any of the details, they will know it

Right in public too. :face_with_raised_eyebrow:

Of course morons like Carlson are. Because the BOP is under the direction of one Bill Barr, and was at the time of Epstein being in custody as well.

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Wonder if the lolita express went into orbit?



Is there a female equivalent to scumbag, which for some reason Iā€™ve mostly used with men?


Iā€™d say scumbag is gender-neutral.

I think Maxwell has a much better chance of survival because she saw what happened when Epstein was tricked into returning to the US before he could set up enough protection.

For example. Maxwell will likely survive if she can convince whoever ultimately prosecutes her that all of the information she has will stay hidden as long as she remains alive and (reasonably) free, and - hereā€™s the key - that all of the information she was will be released to multiple independent sources if she dies/is incarcerated/etc.

Anyway, I think Maxwell will survive. Sheā€™ll be ok.


Just seems so indelicate.

Walking around disguised as his little brother looks even worse.

Sorry, man, couldnā€™t help meself.


Yeah, if sheā€™s smart, and she seems to be, sheā€™s sure to have this all set up.


And Iā€™m sure anyone named will be expertly hand picked to suit someoneā€™s needs. Weā€™ll probably just get Woody Allen.


Yep, you can be damn sure thereā€™s some curating and horse trading going on behind the scenes.

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Something tells me he isnā€™t the only one who can make that claim. The old, youā€™ll have to go through me to get to her thing.

Idk how much I would trust the book, probably not very much.

I hope they keep maxwell alive long enough for her to speak the truth.

Are you new at this? :laughing: Sheā€™s going to say diddly.

Iā€™m sure there was all kinds of diddling going on. :sunglasses:

Yeah, Iā€™d take anything Dershowitz says with a grain of salt. Heā€™s the same guy who got OJ and Epstein off (the first time) and heā€™s been exposed as an academic fraud by Norm Finkelstein.