How responsible are the parents?

What’s the meals been like? Do you take off whole mask to eat, take off one side of the mask and let it hang over other ear, or slip the food underneath the bottom of the mask?

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just for this flight so that this kid will not cry.

Idk if eating is the only exception but people take it off when they eat. I have kept mine and skipped the food.


My niece is great on a plane. My nephew, now age 3, is much like the child you describe here. He. Will. Not. Stop. Crying. Same parenting, multiple techniques tried before flying, but they can’t do anything about the boy except hope and pray he ages out of it soon.

Some things are down to parenting, some are down to luck and the kid’s mood for the day.


did you bring you own 2-oz bottle of alcohol hand rub?

Yes. And wipes.

or juice and water can sip a little to help her ease the pain.

I feel like they should have brought snacks, juice boxes, and games. Most parents I see with kids do. Or hand them an iPad or something.

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Flying is pretty uncomfortable for everybody and young children are ill-equipped to deal with discomfort. I imagine she’s just too little to figure out a way to tolerate or ignore it and the parents are probably at their wits end, too.

I think issues with sensory integration are common in young children, whether they’re on the spectrum or not. I remember being hypersensitive to uncomfortable sensations when I was little. When I got into really hot vehicles, it felt like the heat was long fingers worming into my eyes and I couldn’t stand it. I also remember plugging my ears with my fingers during the ascent and descent portion of flights when the pressure feels worst. I was highly averse to certain food textures, too. I grew out of these things eventually, but I think it’s more common in children than people realize.


Mine was smell. I would puke from bad smells. I am still pretty sensitive to it, I now only just gag and hold it in lol.

I really don’t know if I ever want to have kids. I’m worried I won’t ever and hate it if I’m forced into it just to be “normal”. Sounds like an awful time.

David Lynch’s Eraserhead provides a good preview of life with a newborn.

Parenting is fun 90% of the time. 10% of the other time is getting them to listen to you, handling their dumb antics, etc. People who worry about parenting generally make good parents. Just don’t “over-parent”. And if you have a second one, you become so relaxed, less worried.


I like to rent my cousin’s kids for an afternoon and then return them. They are vaguely terrified of me but I’m always willing to do something fun that they don’t ordinarily get to do so they can’t turn down the opportunity to hang out.

Must be the big guns.

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I figured it was her canines…


Don’t be so quick to judge. The child could have a bad ear infection (common for little ones on flights), or some condition like autism. You just don’t know. Give the parents a break.

I’d be more concerned with whether everyone on that plane was wearing a mask! Where on Earth are you flying to right now?


He’s flying to Taiwan Number One Country!

Sometimes the child can’t describe their pain and it’s hard to figure it out. If it’s some physical pain I think they also get annoyed because mom or dad can’t can’t feel or fix their pain. If the baby/toddler had an ear bubble, or whatever the ear pressure problem is called, from takeoff then the kid is just in pain and baby aspirin won’t stop it.

Some real problem, or just a whiny baby - that is the question. Everyone does not have to get pulled into their suffering and the parents may need a reminder. They may be overwhelmed and struggling to deal with it, so it’s kind of an audible on your part, but it’s ok to confront the parents if it seems there is no end in sight.

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Try to have compassion for people in this situation. When I hear a baby crying on a plane, my initial reaction is to feel empathy for the poor parents.

That said, yes, the parents should have done something to prepare for the flight. Perhaps they simply don’t know but you have no idea what may be the situation - if they were simply tossing candy in her direction and ignoring her, you probably should be pissed.