How responsible are the parents?

sounds like an inner ear problem.

Gonna beat the bad out of them? lol

Kids are weird on planes. My kids are devils when we go out locally; forget restaurants, but once you put them in the airport/plane they are absolute angels.

Lol just be happy that you aren’t in their shoes. You can’t really train a toddler to calm down on a plane from home, it’s really scary and uncomfortable for most of them.

I’ve had to take the long 11-13 hour flight from America to Taiwan with another 6 hour connection with a toddler in my lap, and it’s very tiring and stressful. Luckily 99% of the people were extremely nice to us. One lady even offered to walk with our son around the plane.

You seem really fixed on the bad parenting issue, and I don’t think that’s the issue. The parents are already really stressed out without people silently judging them.


As I’ve said. I’m very understanding of kids on the plane. I fly often. Kids get loud, it’s not a big deal. I put my headphones one.

But this was particularly bad. I’ve never seen anything like it. It’s was constant for hours and very loud. People around me were pissed and one woman confronted them about it. This makes me feel like it’s parenting issues if this was that bad as I’ve encountered plenty of other kids before.

Surely there some psychology at work? I don’t know about kids but I know about training dogs and even behavioral issues with adults. To put it simply, you reward good behavior and cut out the bad. If you’re kid is acting out at home, should you not ignore it and don’t try to soothe them, give them attention, and give in to what they want?

And as I’ve mentioned, the kid is clearly also overweight. This also makes me feel like the parents are not able to control the kids instant gratification urges when it comes to food. I do look down on parents with overweight and obese kids, its not the kids fault there imo.

I don’t really know what I would say as I know nothing of parenting. This is why I asked.

This plane ride was hell. It was probably 8 hours of crying and screaming, I don’t know how that’s even possible on a 12 hours plane ride. Everyone was so pissed and you could tell the air in the room. Everyone wanted out of there so bad and a lady confronted them and got into a verbal altercation. I’ve never seen anything like this flying. I think the stress of flying right now also added to this.

Stop there.

You don’t try and change disruptive behavior while the kid is being disruptive.


What does this mean? Just ignore it?

It works with you. :laughing:

OK, seriously, if I am for example having a manic episode…don’t bother trying to tell me or ask me or demand that I calm down.

Why do you feel this a personal affront to you? If you could or wanted to do it better you would have by now I imagine. :idunno:

Not to me. But it’s clearly not the kids fault since they have no control of what’s being offered to eat. Childhood obesity most likely results in adult obesity. Why would you set your kids up for that?

Wow poor parents, you should’ve offered to help

Sure it is. Not only is this kid noisy, it’s fat too!

Sure, he should go tell the parents about dog training and such…

The reason I mentioned the kid being fat as I’ve said, was my theory that the parents are just giving in to every instant gratification desires which also results in bad behavior.

Not sure why you want to get cheeky and make it up to be something I said it’s not.

Not sure why you need to be an ass to my questions about parenting.

this guy is starting to sound like a jerk lol

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Yeah. I’m such a jerk lol. My bad for asking about how parenting works. Jerk move.

I’m a parent and you are very judgy, particularly about things you have no experience in.

That’s not what you asked.

You guess giving sugar to a screaming kid is wrong? You need confirmation?

I think you’re just bored and bitchy today. I’m trying to help you pass the time. Is it working or is my posting irresponsible? Are you fat too? :ponder:

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