How to ask a girl out in Taiwan

I see.

I know very well that sort of thing happens all the time. It’s just funny to see these threads come up and everyone going out of their way to put in their two cents. And I can’t come in and troll a little? Boring.

you can you just don’t seem to be able to take it too well when its given back.

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Take what? Where’s the funny part? You’re just getting huffy for nothing.

And…weirdly romantic.

This is sooo lame. I’m out of here.

I’ve got mint, 50% rum, lime juice, and sugar solution. Oh, mama!

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Actually theres something called cultural differences
I wouldnt use cultural standard used in my country as cultural standard in taiwan
Thats why I ask question
I dont want to be some stupid guy that does thing that considered inappropriate in another country


Whats abcs?


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you don’t know your ABCs?
you seem quite good at English

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Oh you meant it literally i though you meant figuratively hahah

ABC is American born Chinese
ABT is American born Taiwanese

don’t confuse them or war will break out

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Hows so?
Maybe i should learn about unwritten rules in Taiwan hahah

So tell us what country you come from so we can give you our informed cross-cultural offerings…

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Why does the relationship section always turn into a mess with everyone projecting their relationship issues.


If the guy had done anything to exhibit creepy tendencies I’d understand the passive-aggressiveness, but he’s just asked for advice in the most plain, no frills way. It’s like what you said earlier, people are actively discouraging him from looking for a relationship here, which is weird considering the sub. I don’t get the hostility.


Mod Note.

No flag on the play.

Back to advising the young lad, if you will.


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Come into my parlor said the spider to the fly…

You could try something along the lines of hey I am going to __________ it is going to be so much fun. I went and did ___________ it was great! Tell them all about it. And then wait for them to chase you.

Or you could even later suddenly remember… hey I am doing that super cool thing again next week. Want to join?

Feels like I’m stating the obvious, but I’m having a lot of trouble understanding how anyone could disagree with this statement. The guy only asked for some advice on meeting women in a foreign country. He didn’t say anything about taking advantage of anyone or treating people disrespectfully. You have to jump to a lot of conclusions to says that it’s wrong for someone to ask, “Any recommendations on the best way to ask a girl out?”

Like, how is telling the guy to leave women alone a proper response to this question? If a girl tells a guy that she wants to be left alone, of course the guy should do so, but the proper response to some people wanting to be left alone is for the guy to never approach anyone? Come on.


These days, not only mods but usual posters lost their sense of humor?

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thankss!! :slight_smile: