How to delete my account?

We now also have 452 “Trust Level 2” members, who use the site more or less frequently

We need a secret handshake.

Based on our status, just a “regular” one is good enough

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  • Must have received 20 likes, and given 30 likes.**

Give hearts to level up, a miserable old git like me will be forever at level 0


You also have to view 25% of new topics and 25% of posts to get to regular status. Given the amount of nonsense, drivel, and split posts, I ain’t got time to be regular.

More fiber might help.

He he


To delete your account you have to punch in the secret Konami code on your Forumosa controller.

It’s up, up, down, down, left, right, left, right, B, A.

how do I get infinite gold

Ya need this

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It’s like you don’t have vices.

I’m sure I do, but replying to 3 year old posts is thankfully not one of them.


Oh this looks like a successful example of deleted/anonymized account.

I think there’s been a general shift in forum culture and as a result I would like to delete my account

Is there any way to do this yet?

What happened?


For the millionth time, NO!
How it that going to make the replies to your posts logical?

Stop posting and using this site and you’ll be forgotten about pretty quickly. It’s that simple.

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Nobody knows or cares who you are. Stop posting and you’ll be yesterday’s news at the bottom of a bird cage.

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I’m sorry man, after so many years I just run out of ideas and what used to be genius and shocking just got old.

We’re working on getting a substitute, if you can wait a bit you won’t be disappointed.

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Stop giving him hope. That’s evil.