How to dispose of tree and shrub branches

There is a small strip of land next to my house 15cm by 4cm. It is covered with weeds. Some of these are 3-4CM high . They are so old the stems have turned to hard wood. Once I have cut them down, how do I dispose of the yard waste?

Why would you care about weeds that are only an inch or two high?


Yeah, but that strip of roughly 2 in. x 6 in. land is tough to handle for just one person.


You got a :banana: for scale?

The garbage trucks take them. If you have too much, ask them for their hotline. Or call your local area and ask them. They arrange a time with you to pick up bigger loads. It is free.

Same for recycle or regular trash. Large loads they make a special trip. Small loads, just dump in the truck.

If you dump garbage yourself at the dump, you pay by the kg. Recycling is free, and they expect it separated.

Taipei city might be different than the rest of the country.

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In fact taking stuff to the dump is quite expensive, like more than what a scrap yard will pay for tin cans.

There are some that actually want a shrubbery. Not so sure about parts of a shrubbery, such as shrub branches, though.

Throw some ghost money on it and celebrate a late New Year’s Day. :fire:

I’ve seen people do that but it’s actually illegal, as in you get fined if someone reports you. You will get reported if you burn leaves because they smoke up like crazy.

Jesus man, I’m joking. You’re really killing my vibe. You ever thought about just standing outside and complaining to people as they walk by?

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It sounds as if you’re complaining about TL’s complaining.

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I’ve flagged this for complaint!

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Assuming you mean meters and not centimeters I’d just cut the weeds at ground level and then cover the ground for a season or two with black plastic weed barrier.

Slightly layered (and very unhelpful) reference…


In my Township, it’s 4ish dollars per kg. Meanwhile, you can call them to come to you for free… stricter regions might expect to see an ID with an address in their range.

Why so expensive? I mean I heard the government doesn’t serve certain areas such as industrial area or whatever. There are streets waste collection will not go to at all, and you must take it to a street they can go to (they don’t care if you live there).

Such expensive waste collection charge just means people are incentivized to dump them illegally, or what stops those waste collectors from doing it anyways?

Free is not expensive, and they come to you

I don’t understand your point.

No what I meant is, why is it 4nt per kg to take it to the dump? I was talking about private waste collectors.

My understanding is some places they will not come to you at all, and I was encouraged to take it to a street they will go to.

Ah, OK. To explain my post more clearly.

If a private person (citizen, resident or tourist is ok so long as they can record your official local address) drives to the actual dump site (this is where the government dump trucks dump their stuff) you need to pay to dump. This is standard. The 4000-5000 Taiwan Dollars per tonne is frankly acceptable. When I was last back in Canada, the cheapest landfill was about $10,000nt per tonne. And they have actual land to waste on this type of short sighted economy based BS.

Alternatively, if you live in the area (note this point, as that’s why they charge “foreign” dumpers) you can literally call them and arrange a time to come to your address. They will ask you roughly what you want to dump (obviously, make sure it’s not mixed recycle and the people are not completely fucking up the tax payers trucking logistics with recycle and proper waste retardedness). Then they will ask you what time. As an example, my house the usual trucks pass by between 1 and 2 pm. Our factory, 4 pm. And the roads prior or following one can figure out fairly easily. I cant hang around that long as that’s golden hours work time. Although I do often come to this website when I am stuck waiting for garbage trucks.

So, we have a space for less nasty garbage we store for a few days then fill a truck and drive it somewhere along the route where the truck passes. If one does not have a vehicle, just bring it curbside and shoe up on time. There are various legal issues with garbage men collecting trash that wasn’t handed to them. It is a thing now, my brother in law is a garbage man and the stories are beyond stupid!

Another amazing thing to consider is buy less garbage. It is a very slightly different lifestyle change perhaps, but reductions can be made easily. The garbage I toss now compared to when I was a young idiot is literally less than 10%. I view this as a duty, a responsibility, not just a mere convenience. Food packaging being the main culprit. It is very easy to reduce. Especially if people are too lazy to walk to dump their excessive waste. Logically, waste less = walk less.

Either way, garbage trucks frequent most places nearly everyday for free. Some people may need to walk a few meters to a roadway that the trucks can drive along and continue this absurdly convenient service.

If, for whatever reason (time, laziness or etc) one cannot meet the trucks. You can simply call them to come collect the trash. Also free. Please note, this reply is in response to large amounts of trash (I assume meters not cm in that persons post). Free. But don’t be an asshole thinking they will make special trips for just a few bags of trash. That level of entitlement is often met with equal levels of disrespect. Don’t waste their time. Walk your shit to the curb.

This is how large items like furniture, appliances etc are disposed of properly in Taiwan, they come get it. It is easy. Just don’t abuse the system. It is already so far beyond realistic terms of convenience that it is mind boggling we still see this level of individuals’ littering and dumping.

Sometimes we have to look in the mirror, not just point at “the government” when things are fucked up. The government may not be perfect, but ther eis literally zero excuses for illegal dumping, littering and so on. They have enabled us so much now I actually think the litter is due to entitlement, not because options aren’t available.