Sorry if this post is in the wrong place.
How do I edit posts made awhile ago?
How do i delete posts (made awhile ago)?
Is there a way to delete all my posts in one go?
And am i able to delete my account (along with all my posts?)
Thanks in advance!
The following rule might be related think you can ask moderators or admins by PM.
5.17. Deleting Posts. Please do not edit the content of your posts to the point that replies to that post become meaningless – this diminishes the value of the entire thread. For the same reason, deleting entire posts is strictly verboten, (unless one is removing an accidental duplicate post).
And this thread.
There’s a 24-hour limit on post editing. If you have issues with specific posts, you can send me a PM and we’ll be happy to help.
How do i delete posts (made awhile ago)?
Is there a way to delete all my posts in one go?
And am i able to delete my account (along with all my posts?)
No to these.
Ok thanks. I didn’t know there is a 24 hr policy
And how does one delete an accidental duplicate post? This would be very beneficial for thread readability. Thanks.
Use the flag post function to contact moderators.
I saw the post you mean and handled it.
ok, thanks. My 2 cents is that deleting accidental duplicates (within the 24h edit limit) should not be restricted to mods. We’re all adults here and we all love clean and readable threads. Best.
10 posts were merged into an existing topic: Can anyone recommend a good dentist?