How to get rid of a huntsman spider

If it does, I might. Told you about my friend’s cat bursting an egg sack of thousands of huntsman in their bathroom. The horror, the horror.

Meanwhile, I’m sleeping in the living room. Hope it is safe here. :eek:

I’m sure it’s safe…


I think the spider is the least of your worries there.

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I gotta say the heat seems to have got rid of all the vermin in my rooftop. The rats are gone, the cockroaches, the fruit flies, the ants. The geckos seem to have increased. Actually our whole alley seems to have rid itself of rats. I wonder if they’ve moved or been poisoned…

The good news: she is no longer in the corner

The bad news: she is no longer in the corner


Maybe next time if you see him you have to do this…


They work real well on spiders. The danger is the flaming spider could run to some pile of flammable stuff and cause a fire…


I can already see certain cats with scorched whiskers…

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There’s only one way left to save our troops Commander…we need to burn down the entire block and set up a 1-mile perimeter to prevent any eight legged critters from escaping the quanrantined zone!

Ehem, does anyone have pictures of baby huntsman?

And do baby huntsman make webs?

Would add a picture but the object of this inquiry is currently resting under a cup. And there she will stay under her identity is verified.

What a cutie! This really got my maternal juices flowing (not actually a huntsman, but still)


How to get rid of a huntsman spider…

They already took over the city… might as well.

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Also I don’t want to alarm you, but with cats in the house there’s always the possibility that you’re dealing with something that will grow into something like this:


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I don’t think so.


A new year, a new summer, a new spider, right on cue…

So I walk in the balcony in a hurry, almost didn’t notice this humongous huntsman spider. Trying the new philosophy of live and let live I tell her: we can share the house, ok? And walk on towards the washing machine.

When I turn around, she’s gone, which is problematic: either she went in the house, the kitchen to be precise, because I left the door open, or she jumped to the laundry pile. I shouldn’t leave clean laundry lying around.

Well, at least she is easy to spot. I estimate a good 20 centimeters in diameter counting the legs.

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She’s smaller than the cats, right?

Still, if one disappears, I would have a clear suspect.


Yeah but it is not as if they can squash it under a single paw. In fact, they could sit on it and ride it as a motor couch.

You need an AR15. It would deal with huntsman spiders…

Or a flamethrower.

It is a good spider to have around as are Orb Spiders.

How to get rid of a huntsman spider? Just stop serving them liquor…they usually leave soon after that.

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