How to get rid of a huntsman spider

How naive of you to think it’s your kitties bringing the dead roaches to you, and not the huntsman spider climbing the bed and dropping the roaches corpses there on your pillow as a sign of territorial dominance.

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Well, I see them doing it. They insist on having me as a witness of murder.

So your cats are now working for the huntsman spider! Things are even worse than I expected!

Sorry I missed this thread somehow.

To get rid of a lâ-giâ (蟧蜈), all you need would probably be a broom. They move when ever you approach it with something. At least it’s no longer in the washing machine.

So you mean that the only way to get rid of it is to approach it face first and hope it will run away rather than attack?

Poor Icon.

Never show any fear. They can sense fear and they’ll mock you for it.


When I was living in El Paso Texas, I one day woke up to a giant fist-sized meaty black spider on the floor. I don’t know if it’s a black widow, but since the place is already crowing with scorpions, I am sure this spider is pretty capable of defending itself.

My solution was to bag it with the family vacuum… I used to deal with them scorpions this way too, until I realized I could pick them up with a pair of chopsticks.

At least in icon’s case, we can rest easy knowing that spider is harmless.

For me yes, but I can see the cats thinking, wow , what a tasty morsel… and me making an emergency trip to the vet.

lâ-giâ is a common gift that local cats leave at the side of their owners pillow as a token of “I think you are a terrible hunter and worry you might starve to death.”


Maybe because I am Australian we are just used to spiders but I wouldn’t worry about a huntsman. They are big and scary looking but they are not poisonous. We used to catch them as kids and try and keep them as pets. If you get bitten (I’ve been bitten by one before), it hurts but it doesn’t cause any damage.

They are actually quite good things to have in the house because they will eat insects that are bothersome like flies, other spiders and cockroaches.

I say, let it be. Otherwise, just hit it with a shoe or bug spray.

No, because they are tiny.

Had my Australian customer visiting our factory a couple of weeks ago. We were in our basement because he’s interested in a pelletizer (we make machinery). He wanted to get behind the pelletizer to get a better look, but suddenly stopped and said, “nope!” There was a huntsman on the wall.

I said, “Aren’t you from Australia?! You know those aren’t poisonous, right?” He said he has no problems with snakes, but just can’t do spiders. LOL


Yes. Heaven.

Wait…I thought you were the cat lady…

Never really heard or seen a huntsman till 15 min ago in our b2 garage.
Guess he hitched a ride, came in, and was just sitting on the floor, handpalm size, absolutely beautiful.
Knew what it was due to this thread.
Ran, almost flew for quite a bit, very elegant, then tired out, and i managed to carfully get a large tin over him.
Released him in next door jungle, happy hunting.

I’m disappointed to know that it didn’t end up in marriage.

I thought they don’t spin webs. How do they catch flies?

I get tons of these where I live. If they are outside I tend to ignore them.

Had one on my balcony recently. pacing back and forth in front of the window like a proper soldier keeping guard till his minions arrived. Was dead the next day, seems I should have realized in the hot heat the poor thing couldn’t climb the walls of the balcony and needed help. Should have been marching past the window holding a “help” flag.

Let me tell you a long tale I’ll call The Spider’s Revenge.

When I came home, loaded with packages and dinner, She was waiting for me right at the door, ready to pounce on me. I dropped everything and ran screaming for help.

A kind neighbor came armed with an electric racket and the spider met its demise.

Alas, that was not the end.

I came home, changed, and had dinner. As I got ready to walk Bobby, I realized that in my hasty escape, I lost my cellphone…with my cards.

HP Spider.

Long story short, looked everywhere for an hour…called the banks, went to the police station… The works.

Came back about an hour ago. One last look. There it was, by the recycling bin at the building’s entrance. .

Re chinga*$&¡! HP carbrona spider. Must be laughing its ass off from the afterlife.

for some reason this is what came to mind

RIP Aragog…

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