How to handle money in a relationship

See! This right here is the problem with many people getting their wife to “guarantor” their cards or own their bank accounts etc…

Are they really yours? You know if I were her the first thing I would be doing is going to the bank and revoking my guarantor commitment…

You hear it so often… The typical story of having everything in the wife’s name…


lesson to be learnt to everyone: keep your wealth separated with a court ruling before the wedding (like a pre-nup, which is what I am doing), never put anyone as a guarantor or use cards/accounts in someone else’s name coz it’s easier, shit happens and better be prepared.

Being naive is dangerous, as much as someone can love someone else, shit happens and can get nasty fast.


If your wife is a homemaker, then the money you make at work isn’t 100% yours. It should be 50-50, and you definitely should have a joint account where she has full access.

The OP doesn’t specify whether his wife has her own full time job but I’m assuming she doesn’t, considering they have a kid.

What r u talking about, we r discussing on using TW spouses as guarantors or “names” for cards and accounts since “foreigners can’t get them BS” is still rampant and ppl r lazy here.

Ur post is completely irrelevant to the matter.

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Taiwanese banks “mostly” don’t offer joint accounts… I only know of 1 in Taiwan that offers them

Nonsense. It is his money and he can decide to give it to her to manage or he manage it. She isn’t “entitled” to that money.

I wouldn’t assume…

How is this all relevant to my point of not having your wife’s name on everything?

I agree, and that is her right, and i transferred her money too, the problem she is qsking me how much i can offer for the custody

she is negotiating neglecting the kid, she is using him as a shield

Everything she is doing is about making you suffer

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I meant shouldn’t they be full joint-account holders, and not just guarantors? :face_with_monocle:

that’s even worse if there r no clear signing power restrictions, like up to 50k one signature ok, otherwise need 2nd account holder to countersign.

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It’s ok you think and do so, but you can’t force others to do so. it’s not a legal requirement.


I didn’t forcing anyone. I said they SHOULD, not MUST.

Husbands having full control over bank accounts is a huge reason women often cannot just pack up and leave abusive relationships.


homemaker should have some money they can control and it should be 50-50 are different. when breadwinner provide enough money for their family, why homemaker need more?

When your company provides you enough money for your living expenses, why do you need more?

The “breadwinner” is not providing money to his wife. Both spouses are working together (one at the office, the other at home) to provide themselves with money. Unless the wife is sitting around doing nothing, they are both “breadwinners”.

Of course, exactly 50-50 may not be the most fair for every couple, depending on your own unique circumstances.


if the living expenses is fair compemsation for your labor, there is no need to get more from your company.

husband and wife should be jointly responsible on the cost to the payment for living expense of the household according to each ability including household labor. to give more than that to another just depends on their own unique circumstances.

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Sure, but I would also say according to the hours each put in. 50-50 may not be fair if the couple doesn’t have kids and there is minimal household work to do. But in my experience, the homemaker with kids often spends more time working than the spouse who is working at the office.

Anyway, I think you got too hung up on the 50-50 thing which wasn’t my main point in my original comment.

Yikes. Enjoy that! I’d love to read the post you’ll make when you get divorced and lose everything :rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl:

if no special factors, for few years while kids stay home all day long.

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LOL my wife and I do not have joint banks accounts. She does not share 50% of my income. She has her own income which I also do not get share of. She does work for a company I own though lol.

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Isn"t the company in your wife’s name and she your employer? You don’t offer money to get custody.

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I pay for around 90 percent of household expenses.