How to interpret the signals?

five four and 125, thats nice. Dont let the stick figures in taiwan make u feel fat, good grief.
you should see the girls i swim with here in the pool . now they definitely could lose 20 pounds or so.

and u should try to wear the outfits u wanna over there. just tell ur mom shes outdated. for petes sake she can see all the super shorts and miniskirts there.

and true not everyone likes em super thin.

my ex got lipo cuz she thougth that being 120 pounds was too fat. I thought that was extreme.

i met this gal at the pool who is swimming a kilometer everyday to slim down cuz shes 125 or so. but really its all muscle where shes concerned and she looks plenty fine to me.

and ya, what the other person just wrote, u may be over reacting to a piece of chicken at this point.

I don’t like stick thin girls either. Curves are good, really don’t like skinny girls. When I met my wife for the first time (6years ago) she was 154cm and 45kg, she was very pretty but a bit skinny for me, I learned to cook all her faves and now she’s 55kg and way hotter in my books… she blames me for her extra weight, I accept full responsibility.

Best question ever.

But I imagine it isn’t Winston Wu because Winston is so suave and debonaire that he would have certainly been able to convince this girl to sleep with him within the first 10 minutes of meeting her.

At the risk of sounding pessimist here, don’t think too much about that, sharing pasta and chicken might or not lead to the next date but you know, a lot of women even share a bed with a guy, live with him and has the same questions at the end, does he love me/ like me/ is permanent ? Tons of gals lose weight, put heavy make-up, cap all the teeth, fill in silicone on their tops, try to improve any inch of their beings but at the end many of them still have the same question, " Does he really love me ? "

So until a guy really comes knocking your door, and show clear intentions for permanent relationship, don’t sweat too much about his moves.

Not trying to offense anyone but this discussion is completely ridiculous. What’s wrong with sharing food ? No need to make a fuss ! Everybody does that to me, it’s just a token of politeness and attention. You sound like a little egocentric princess. And no, having a meal with someone of the opposite sex is not (always) a date.
And no need to mention that the “men are men”, “men want to get laid”, “men (especially foreigners) are complete bastards who want to bang as most girls as possible”… are complete bullshit and are extremely insulting (not in this thread in particular but it seems to be the norm in the D and R forum). No wonder why some of you girls can’t get a boyfriend.
(sorry I may sound a little bit rude but I’m not a native English speaker and sometimes I don’t know how to say things in a more polite way).

woah, ileavio, you paid good attention to all the bad words, huh?

If you’d checked… She was asking about the cultural nuances at play in the situation, as she wasn’t really up with Taiwanese culture yet.

To be honest with you, if a man shared his lunch with me like that in the US, UK or Aus… I’d be a little suspicious too.

Anyway, moving on…

oink - I’m a little like you in that I’m quite friendly with everyone and a lot of guys got the wrong idea (I’m proud to say that I’m now fully aware of the ‘signals’ that I used to send out inadvertently and have corrected my behaviour to make sure I give them out on purpose :stuck_out_tongue: ). In my experience, if something makes you feel a little bit uncomfortable with a guy in that respect: they’re interested in you.

It could just be a personal thing though. Think about the guys you know casually. How many of them would you have felt comfortable with in the same situation? If the answer’s ‘none’ or ‘all’, it could just be you (because while all guys maybe have a passing interest in sleeping with the majority of girls they know, not many will express it (and btw, some girls do this as well, before all you guys start telling me what a sexist pig I am)). If the answer’s ’ a few ’ or something similar, maybe there’s something in it.

You seen those big, oversized ‘totes’ that were so popular a while back? Get one. Then put your ‘other wardrobe’ under your bed. When you leave the house and return, make sure you’re wearing what your mom wants you to be, then stop in a macdonalds/MRT station/somewhere with a bathroom and quickly change into your actual outfit for the day :wink: Old trick, but girls have been doing it for generations. The other one is to wear a long skirt and roll it up, but that usually ends up looking a bit weird at the waist.

I thought the universal signals were: red means stop, green means go, and yellow means jaundice.

In Taiwan giving someone your food is a compliment. I am surprised no-one has mentioned this. He probably looks at you as though he were your father. You are a skinny wretch and he is an old man, right? So the fantasies are in your head O.P., not in his. I think you want him to fuck you.

That’s the first time I’ve heard this. Thanks! :bow:

…but did you read the rest of the thread?? :blush:

Thing is, of course – the REAL thing here – is fucking pasta and chicken you can cut with a knife. Forget all the juicy labia and turgid nipple nonsense. A staff canteen where you get pasta and CHICKEN! THAT YOU CAN CUT! Let’s have a bit of perspective here, folks!

Touch my chicken and you’ll get a fork in the back of the hand.

Sandman, my staff canteen has a salad bar, on site freshly baked cakes, a BBQ grill, an espresso bar. Roast dinners on Tuesday, fish on Friday. I had pasta with vongoles yesterday. It was fab. I skipped the apple pie and custard, though.

Touch my chicken and you’ll get a fork in the back of the hand.

Sandman, my staff canteen has a salad bar, on site freshly baked cakes, a BBQ grill, an espresso bar. Roast dinners on Tuesday, fish on Friday. I had pasta with vongoles yesterday. It was fab. I skipped the apple pie and custard, though.[/quote]
I just had a paper box full of mifen cooked not four hours ago. With some shredded carrots in it. Nummy nummy NUM NUM!
And you’ve been to Eyetieland. You’re supposed to say pasta alla vongole. And with a snooty smirk at the same time. Otherwise it might just as well be spaghetti hoops with fish fingers.

Sorry, I’m in late because I went to Maison Blanc for breakfast.

Anyway, food sharing is a good idea and something that I am going to add in my repertoire next time. Next time I invite a hottie friend for dinner, I am going to order the whole roast chicken, uncut so the meal will take longer to finish and I will carve the babe myself and give all the breasts (the chicken’s) to my friend. Hopefully he will get the wrong idea.

Good idea, but may get lost in translation. The breast is the least coveted part of the chicken. The leg on the other hand…

its usually a good sign when they let off an enchanting musk and show off their slightly superior horns.

Good idea, but may get lost in translation. The breast is the least coveted part of the chicken. The leg on the other hand…[/quote]

Of course, so the venue needs to be in a well chosen Italian restaurant, with soft yellow lightning, then I would put the breasts (the chicken’s) on his plate and whisper lazily like a femme fatale: "Here, enjoy the breasts (the chicken’s), bite them, suck them, nibble them like there is no tomorrow… (with someone playing a background violin song for us).
This will probably be the most memorable meal of his lifetime.

In other words, trust your instinct?

I shared food once with a guy I met casually and we ended up in bed, which was not my intention at all. Granted this happened in the states, so I really should have known better. Ever since then I’ve been a little suspicious when a guy shares his food with me on the first lunch/dinner meeting.


You seen those big, oversized ‘totes’ that were so popular a while back? Get one. Then put your ‘other wardrobe’ under your bed. When you leave the house and return, make sure you’re wearing what your mom wants you to be, then stop in a macdonalds/MRT station/somewhere with a bathroom and quickly change into your actual outfit for the day :wink: Old trick, but girls have been doing it for generations. The other one is to wear a long skirt and roll it up, but that usually ends up looking a bit weird at the waist.[/quote]

I guess I’ve been living under a rock then because I’ve never heard of any of those “tricks”! Shame on me. Well, I have been wearing my tank-tops occasionally and covering it up with a jacket. Life will always find its way…

What are you five years old?

Given your age as indicated, I’m already quite impressed with your ability in writing such reply that can only be expected from disillusioned, bitter old men. Never mind the non-native English speaker business. You are doing good.