We decided to do up the school this year for Halloween (because last’s year’s going from room to room and saying “trick or treat” sucked bigtime).
I want to keep track of the progress and also hope you guys can give us some ideas for scaring the crap out of…I mean entertaining our kids.
First we black bagged the door leading to the hallway and had the kids color in some skulls. The picture of the haunted house and words are too small though.
Then we black bagged the walls in the hallway. It’s a long hall and we will divide it into sections for the HH
We have a giant corkboard and put up black paper and drew some halloween stuff on it in chalk.
Here’s Johnny with a prototype spider made from balloons and a garbage bag. I did this guy in about 10 minutes, including passout time from blowing up the gd balloons.
Here’s the door now, with a great big punkin and new letters overhead.
Not the whole school, but the hallway and the school’s entrance mostly. We’re going to divide the hallway into 3 sections
the front: staging area, psychic readings (kids grab a toy from a fishbowl and Sally Psychic tells their futures) and some mystery boxes with gross stuff to touch inside, and the last box will be in front of a door; the door will be covered by a bag and a slit made in it so a monster can grab the kid’s hand when he puts it in the box. muahahahaha
the middle:
82 inch projector TV will play scary videos of ghosts ; the setting of this area will be a graveyard
the end of the hall:
Dr Crazy will be dissecting his assistant son in front of all onlookers. (These positions have been filled. )
Then a hall of terror:
one side of the hallway will be sectioned off and the kids will walk back and be “scared” by monsters, vampires and the inevitable sexy Chinese witches dressed in black. hubbahubba
Well, they got scythes with bloody skulls on them, devil’s pitchforks, stuff like that. Lotsa orange stuff – maybe even crepe paper, but I’m not sure about that.
Haha now THIS is the stuff that I cant wait to get involved in if I become an english teacher in Taiwan
I suppose you have already organised the soundtrack for the HH? I remember having a really cool LP that had ghosts moaning, chains clanking etc etc on it… Got a lot of use out of that one!
Also - I found that TVs just tuned in to static can be real creepy, ‘Poltergeist’ style. Especially when there are 2 or 3 in an empty room
What I find interesting is how totally freaked out Taiwanese are by their own ghosty customs and how they would never dare include these in their Halloween ghouly fest. If you don’t believe me, try getting your teachers to dress up in those white hooded mourners outfits for the party. and add some chanting and so on . . perhaps some strippers.
I used to love making the fake ‘dismembered finger’ in a matchbox trick, complete with tomato sauce blood and cotton wool to keep the finger comfortable