How to make friends?

see that’s the problem. everyone stereotypes aussies as laidback and outgoing, but then I’m the completely not and I don’t know what to do

I must say, you have very unusual working hours.

Maybe he’s an undertaker.

Or a cramschool teacher exclusively for insomniacs.

I was thinking night shift at 7-Eleven. :sunglasses:

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Well, now we know why his coworkers won’t talk to him. There’s nothing surlier than an early 20 something Taiwanese working a 7/11 at 2 in the morn for 200 NTD an hour.

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hey guys seriously

i’m so patheti

Dude, I’ve noticed you’re always asking stuff like “how to ask a girl out”, “how to make friends”, etc. There’s no science behind building relations with people, except having more confidence and having some interesting topics you can discuss. And no, not everyone will want to be your friend, but that’s life. Just have more confidence and people will gravitate towards you instead of you having to seek them out.

Is that the plural of “pathetus”?

Can try out this app called Otter Curiosity to make local friends, people are pretty chill there, messages are automatically translated and you don’t even need to worry about breaking ice!