Any military conflict has always been accompanied by an increase in sexual crimes by military personnel against civilians. The most striking example in history is Nanjing massacre. Today the US and British media are also trying to create an image of a military sex offender from Russian soldiers in Ukraine. But probably this topic can used to manipulate and deterrence.
What do you think and what can stop rapes in war ?
The obvious answer is to have fewer wars.
Or all-female armies.
Ever seen women fight? There would be the same number of atrocities, just different ones.
Lots of heads chewed off.
But this is not only a problem of war. There is many facts of the same crimes in the time of peace. For example Okinawan women’s civic group chronicles sex crimes by U.S. military
Well yes, but then you’ve expanded the problem to rape-in-general rather than rape-associated-with-the-military. Which is such an age-old problem it can probably be mitigated but not eliminated.
Ask the soldiers nicely to please stop doing it.
Conquering armies might just refuse to speak to subjugated peoples until they say sorry nicely and take them out for dinner.
Or all-female armies.
Or all-robot armies. A lot more deaths, a lot less rapey.
Or all-robot armies.
Technically I guess this would work, in that it would solve the problem being posed. Although it has some downsides.
Also, if you watch the opening scenes of T2 carefully, both terminators appear to be fully equipped.
Also, if you watch the opening scenes of T2 carefully, both terminators appear to be fully equipped.
Yes, but they are only fully equipped because they don’t want to be exposed as a terminator when someone pulls down their pants. They are not programed to have sex, with or without consent.
Unless we have sexually deviant toasters like cylons in the reimaged series, people would only die without being violated before or after.
It would depend on how the robots were programmed.
Educate and train your military’s properly to follow certain codes. Lots of countries don’t do this and even promote sexual violence as one of the spoils of war.
Hell it’s even in the bible.
Chemical castration
Any military conflict has always been accompanied by an increase in sexual crimes by military personnel against civilians. The most striking example in history is Nanjing massacre. Today the US and British media are also trying to create an image of a military sex offender from Russian soldiers in Ukraine. But probably this topic can used to manipulate and deterrence.
What do you think and what can stop rapes in war ?
the only way is no war. or force women to fight and men are banned. It is biological. once you get a large quantity of hormone engaged people pumped to literally murder others for no reason other than you have been convinced to by others, then broken because of the horrors murder actually brings afterwards. rape isn’t even a serious consequence compared to the shit they have seen or done. There is a reason people have PTSD. it’s not good.
Sadly, there is likely no way to prevent rape in the midst of torture, maiming and murder. that’s why we should really all try our best to self sacrifice to avoid wars. on every level. There is literally no good that comes from it. the only just cause is self defense.
Have those that decide to start wars, from banksters, to contractors, to politicians, to fight and not the usual dumb stupid animals as Kissinger once said.
Prevent war!