How was your ride today?

I haven’t bought something from a Giant store in 2-3 years, but I’m sure they would not get rid of a membership program with instant 10% off. People would go crazy.

You can ask next time you go.

maybe that only runs through the larger flagship stores, not the local ma and pa stores (which have thinner margins)

My bike came from a not so large, still flagship store in Taipei, that Jack guy… . Mine was probably the previous year’s model though.

I bought mine at Dong Hu Giant and got registered there.

Most of the Giant shops in Taipei now are on the Giant network. At least the ones that have the new Giant/Liv signboards.

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Phew, FINALLY some nice weather. I had trouble persuading myself to go out this morning because it still looked gloomy, but the sky cleared up nicely. A relatively short 40km up and around in the Danshui / Sanzhi area: lovely view of a kingfisher at a creekside, and a flock / family of Formosan magpies flying across the road in front of me at one point. It felt so good to be having fun outdoors - first time this month, I think?

I would have preferred to skip the wipe-out part of the ride. I’d been doing pretty well at avoiding the wetter patches, but things were a touch congested at one downhill curve (some bozo coming uphill in the wrong lane had people stopping, and that led to the congestion), and there was a bus beside me, so I was stuck going through mud that didn’t look like much. Oops. At least the congestion meant I was going slower, although if there hadn’t been the unluckily timed moment of congestion, I wouldn’t have been on the shoulder either.

Only my second spill in over a decade I think, and the first one that didn’t come from “Oh yeah, my shoes are clipped in, aren’t they?” Plus point: I felt oddly smug for the rest of the ride, with my left side covered in mud. Looking filthy on a bike is always a good look! Minus point: upper left chest / under the arm area still a little sore, and I can feel it if I breathe deeply; hopefully that’ll pass by tomorrow.


Sorry to hear about the spill. Hope you’re alright.

Gotta be careful when heading downhill. Invariable, you run into people who decide to zigzag their way up a steep section or take the outside curve in a right-turning hairpin turn.

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Worth an x-ray if it continues to hurt when taking deep breaths. Could mean a fractured rib.


Yup, I’ll be looking into that today. When sitting or standing it’s only a mild ache, but that was a very uncomfortable night’s sleep. Or rather, “sleep”. Oh just sneezed. Ow. Yeah, something’s off.

I[quote=“volv1992, post:1003, topic:67878”]
problem is the brake levers are opposite in Taiwan than they are in the UK,

Taken me 6 months to get used to it.
I was going to switch over but decided to much hassle removing bar tape and stuff.

Is it Taiwan opposite or other Countries who drive on the right?

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I believe UK, Australia, New Zealand and…I think Japan, have their brake levers different from the rest of the world.


My ride today first day of Taiwan winter it felt like.


Matches how it’s set up on my motorcycle. Makes more sense that way.

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Looks like you went to that riverside coffee shop in Bali before you turned around. Love their coffee!

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You know the story behind that coffee shop, right? It was the scene of a double murder committed by the young female manager. But during the investigation, the owner (the guy on the mug) was suspected to be an accomplice. He got a bad rap even though he was proved innocent in court. I like to help him out by patronizing his shop whenever I can, though probably not riding 91 km to do so. :tired_face:

I know that story! That was like 6 years ago? The woman killed one or two regular customers in some strange attempt of getting their money. Where exactly is the coffee shop located?

Mommouth Coffee
No. 86-9號, Section 2, Longmi Road, Bali District, New Taipei City, 249
02 2618 3205

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I always do long distance on a Monday if I can, as I binge drink a bit on weekends, I have a misguided idea that doing so I sweat out toxins I put into my body out?

If ever there was an oxymoron . . .

There’s no doubt that rigorous exercise involving sweating profusely helps with getting the toxins out of your body, and cycling with some mountains involved is definitely rigorous and will make you sweat. But there’s nothing you can do for the strain you’re putting on your liver. Also, you need to always be sure that there’s no dependence. I drink every other day and take consecutive days off here and there. Last year I took a month break from any booze just to make sure that I could do it. No problem at all.