Huashan Park Murder in Taipei

So now there’s an editorial in the Taipei Times blaming the slice-and-dice murder on toxic masculinity. God help us…

This is why I don’t like aliens in Taiwan. Behold the commence of retarded feminism in Taiwan.

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toxic editorialism must be addressed

But that Brian Hioe character who wrote the other toxic masculinity article is Taiwanese. All it takes is a stint at a North American liberal arts college to turn the mind into mush.

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That depends on who’s speaking.

Is that how it is in Spain?

In Canada, the major parties (and at least some of the minor ones) are definitely paying attention to the “culture wars”, but the vast majority of candidates (rightish, leftish or centrish) take relatively moderate stances, at least in public.

That’s the new American narrative: Republicans are actually libertarians but have a chance of getting elected! :rainbow:

I remember exactly the opposite narrative way back in the 90’s (i.e. left: they want to be left alone; right: they want to force you to accept their beliefs), when Bart Simpson was supposed to be destroying civilization by disrespecting authority, and Bill’s real crime wasn’t lying but having sodomistic extramarital relations. Even in the 00’s, W was supposed to be saving America from the demons of permissiveness and godlessness, and Donnie was proud to host SNL! :smile: The GOP has accomplished a truly amazing rebranding of both itself and its enemies, not entirely without their complicity.

The “flyover” Americans just want to be left alone. They don’t have time to be moralistic (for the most part). But, when push comes to shove, eventually their anger comes out, like in the 2016 election

Yet that rebranding exercise hasn’t been as successful as Donnie wants you to believe, considering that Gary almost quadrupled his votes from 2012 to 2016 and took more votes from the leftish side than from the rightish side, and there’s been a small but so far endless trickle of elected Republicans defecting…

Anyway, it’s Comrade Finsky’s turn. :slight_smile:

Are you trying to tell me you’re too young to remember Lorena? Come on, Finno. You ain’t foolin’ me. :grandpa:

we’ve gone from discussion of the motivation for a rare and completely outrageous event to a generic “all men are bastards” theme.

My problem with that statement is, the only recurring characters in my life I ever hear that from are the feministiphobics here at the Flob.

Psychopathy cannot be part of normal masculinity

I’ve been saying all along that it’s not.

because it is a mental illness, and mental illnesses are quite carefully defined so that they do not have any significant overlap with the set ‘normal people’.

For the record, is it fair to say you think the triple helix theory is junk?

I suppose all I’m really saying here is “correlation is not equivalent to causation”.

No argument there.

Since you’re arguing that testosterone is a major factor in extreme male violence,

Correction: I’m arguing that you and Andrew have been arguing on the one hand that testosterone makes men naturally more violent than women, at least whenever educational reform is proposed (words to the effect of “don’t ban violent sports or push anti-rape messages or else boys will turn into sissies!”), but on the other hand, as soon as the violence becomes unambiguously criminal (such as murder), suddenly the link between violence and testosterone/maleness/masculinity is magically gone and was never there in the first place. :whistle:

So what is it? Are men naturally more violent than women, or aren’t they?

Does expecting to get away with low-level violence have a relationship to expecting to get away with high-level violence, or doesn’t it?

Is it plausible that a sociocultural feedback/shriekback loop can amplify a naturally benign but potentially malign predisposition, or is it completely implausible? I think we can see evidence of such loops, in one form or another (not just “masculine”), every day in the online world.

I wouldn’t claim that men chop women up because testosterone is toxic, because that’s daft. Everything is toxic under the wrong conditions, and there’s more than one way to become a psychopath (or just a plain old murderer without an insanity defense).

it follows from your theory that perpetrators of extreme male violence would not have done what they did if they’d had less testosterone.

When you phrase it like that, it sounds like the TM concept was invented as an excuse to promote hormone therapy or castration. I don’t believe that’s why the concept was invented or that it’s what most people mean when they mention the concept. (Would hormone therapy have helped Idi? Probably not, but I never met Idi, and I don’t know much about hormone therapy anyway.)

To keep it simple, here are two traits that are fairly culture-neutral (there are a couple of exceptions that I’m aware of, but they’re real outliers):

  • physical prowess, courage, and competence
  • ability and willingness to provide for and protect a family

That’s one thing, but then…

What we call psychopathic behavior can be normalized and vice-versa, but it’s not a simple dichotomy. It comes in degrees, and it can be very subtle (think boiling frogs).

Admiration of other generally-perceived-as-masculine traits can’t just be dismissed because there’s widespread disagreement about whether or not those traits are admirable.

Take the aforementioned rebranding in American culture/politics, for example. In the 90’s, we see a demographic trend of condemning pornography and sodomistic behavior as vile. In the 10’s, we see a demographic trend of praising Mr. Grabbem for his honesty and genuineness, and then even saying wow, he did a porn star? That makes him cool! (Okay, I didn’t see any stats on that last one, but Andy said it almost word for word.)

Recent developments in America are just one example. If we compare cultures at different times in history, we find a lot of variation. Yet some traits considered “masculine” turn up again and again – not universally but too widely to be ignored – traits that most people in the West won’t agree with today and espeically won’t openly agree with, because our overall culture has changed (largely because of feminism) to the point that those views are now considered bizarre and vile, and even in Taiwan most men won’t openly rant about foreigners “stealing” the women they think of as their property, but the tendency is still there beneath the surface. You can’t just erase centuries of culture (of any kind) in a few decades. Not even the Chairman could.

We’re not. One of the things JP is always banging on about is the misconception that we’re all basically nice people who would never do horrible things.

There’s a lot to say about that, but so little time…

Then why do some men get so hysterical about the suggestion?

Feminists derailed this thread? Wow. I guess that’s what @Andrew0409 meant by calling himself a feminist. :idunno:

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I look forward to analyzing the editorial this weekend. :slight_smile:

I gave you a “like this post”, just because you spend so much energy and word length on your replies. :beers:


That’s what is happening in Europe, especially more in the North.

I’d give him dislike, because his post is too long.


No, I don’t think that it was Andrew the one who brought that article and say that we were missing the point, which happened to be masculinity (the toxic one), and that weirdly enough nobody else was talking about that. I think it was @Gain who linked it here, so that we could focus not on violence and psychopaths, but on the real problem here: sexism! Because these weird trend of dismembering and chopping is something definitively sexist! there aren’t any other twisted cases of violence in the island, and it’s always men the perpetrator! the news that @Brianjones or I have mentioned here, NAAAAAAH, that’s bollocks! the important thing here is MASCULINITY, and of course it’s not that feminists have derailed the conversation, the problem is that it was derailed from the beginning! thanks God now we know what the real topic is: toxic masculinity, man being too manly in a bad way!

Sorry, but LOL.



I know, I know… don’t think I forgot it… :frowning:

It was @afterspivak in post 2.

Makes on wonder that since the perpetrator was estranged from his wife if violence or emotional abuse was going on.

hopefully appeal gets denied

Death by archery squad?

Too good for him.

Flaming arrows?

Problem is that now we have like 6 murderers awaiting in death row while there is outside pressure, like the EU, to get rid of death penalty completely.

So it will take a while…

Would it particularly matter if the arrow were flaming? I guess if the tip had become super-heated, it would.