Huashan Park Murder in Taipei

What makes you think that execution is mandatory?

Well, they usually get 3 done at a time.

Meaning they could stall this like , forever?

Of course they can. Plenty of countries still have death penalty on paper but haven’t executed any in more than a decade. E.g. South Korea and Russia.

Russia tries to do it on foreign soil where possible :face_with_raised_eyebrow:


That is the fine line they thread here. If they do not execute them, Taiwan people are not happy and will vote for someone who promises to do it. And if they do, members of the international community complain. Can´t win there.

An execution wouldn’t be the worst thing that could happen to a guy as nice as that

Just sign the order and get rid. Wouldn’t lose a minutes sleep over it.

it’s not like the ROC is gonna risk getting kicked out of some UN governmental organization

No, but we really need that trade deal with EU. Every bit helps.

No death penalty. The case can still be appealed.