I am Quarantined and here is how it happened

Why does everyone hate people that do visa-runs if it’s not illegal. If taiwan lets people do it who cares?

Eh it’s just not the way things should go, and they fuck certain countries who do it hard (like South Africa). It’s best to just get your ARC and be able to come and go. It also is kind of illegal depending on how you are doing your visa run. My first ARC was a 3 year long one, but when I was working on getting a teaching ARC for a 1 year one they NIA straight up told me to leave and come back to extend my stay (this was after I had spent 6 months partying on an extension ARC - I’ve lived). So IDK where I fall in this argument the more I say…

Ok crew, I recently posted about being quarantined and how it happened. I have just had my first call from the government to check in on me and I got a bit of information.

1st - They insisted I provide a friend’s cell number while I was at the airport and then proceeded to call him after midnight because I didn’t have my phone on me (totally my fault there, I broke it a day before I left and was having it repaired).

2nd - After this, the agent who called me (a police officer from a local station) didn’t even end up having my friend’s number and tried to chastise me for having my phone off. I explained the situation and he was very cool after that.

3rd - He questioned my symptoms based on the checklist and asked about my food supply and if I would be able to sustain myself where I was staying. I thought this was excellent work.

4th - Finally, we chatted for maybe 2 minutes and I bitched about how I thought the airport situation was handled poorly and he said “it will only be worse, there are over 10,000 coming in the next 24 hours now”.

This tells me there is no way they have the manpower to manage this, and if they didn’t keep my alternate number then they aren’t trying super hard to reach out to people either. I was a bit paranoid that my friend had not gotten a call. I also had to explain that I didn’t have a temperature reading for yesterday as the package I got my cellphone in contained a thermometer because I simply didn’t own one and wasn’t able to go buy one due to the quarantine. Anyway, all in all it was a fine call - but if there were 200 in the line I was in and maybe 500 before that, but now 10k are coming in? I don’t know how this can be managed. It is clearly being outsourced to local police stations as I have been to the one that I got my call from and I think I actually may have met this officer before because I recognized his English.

That is all, just an update. Godspeed everyone! Fuck this virus!


:poop: :arrow_right:311723


Because you can’t legally “reside” in Taiwan on a visitor visa or a visa free entry. These two statuses are only for temporary visits, not actually living in Taiwan indefinitely.

So, if you’re on a visitor visa or visa free entry statuses, you can’t legally rent an apartment and certainly not work because that would entail residency. But, so many disregard this and do it anyway.


is this true?

I agree with @onighosty, the government clearly allows it, so there’s no point in harping on it now. Just my opinion


The other thing is you avoid paying taxes in Taiwan if you have a remote job overseas.

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Exactly. The working is what pisses me off.

Sure. And it’s illegal to smoke in non-smoking zones and illegal to run red lights and illegal to work without a work permit, but in Taiwan you can almost do anything and get away with it. Doesn’t make it more legal just because it’s not enforced.


What is a visitor visa for? Visiting for a temporary period. Not residing, nor working.

What is a visa free entry for? Visiting for a temporary period. Not residing, nor working.

Why would someone rent an apartment? For residing which is inconsistent with the status of visitor visa or visa free entry.

Doing multiple visa runs for years in order to actually reside in Taiwan and work, even if via computer, is by the very definition, illegal.

So, regarding all the tossers who are illegally residing in Taiwan on a visitor visa or visa free entry and have to do a visa run right now. Ha ha ha. Serves you right. You can now leave, but not return or you become an overstay if the NIA won’t extend your visitor visa or visa free entry status!

If it’s not illegal, then they just need to go to the NIA and tell them the situation. That they’re been living in Taiwan for the past X number of years and doing visa runs and that they either need to get extended without leaving Taiwan or they need to do a visa run and get an exemption in order to return. You think the NIA will be ok with this? Try it.


it’s illegal to smoke in non-smoking zones, because the law says so.

Non resident can buy a house if the country allows the same thing to taiwanese. I believe there is no law to ban a non regident rents an apartment.

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No shit. But, they can’t reside in it without a legal resident certificate.

Go ask the NIA if it’s legal to actually reside in Taiwan indefinitely by doing visa runs. The answer will be no. I’ve asked in the past.

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Not exactly true. You need to file if staying over 90 days.

But they don’t stay over 90 days on visa exempt.

So you mean it doesn’t reset when they leave and come back?

They used to check on that when leaving Taiwan and you had a long stay. Can I please see your tax filing? How do you support yourself?

what you said is,

if you’re on a visitor visa or visa free entry statuses, you can’t legally rent an apartment

this is not a fact. I believe there is no legal probrem someone on a visitor visa rents an apartment for a short-term and lives there instead of staying in a hotel for the entire allowed stay of 6 months.


Is there a source to this 10,000 in the next 24hr line thats going around?

Or does it relate to the approximately 10,000 that arrived in the week or so prior from Europe before the backdated quarantine was imposed?

Jkipple got a call to check on his quarantine.

That would be over 27 full Boeing 747. So take it with a grain of salt.

That’s daily. About 8,880 are expected today, more than 9,000 are expected tomorrow. A total of 70,000 students study overseas, all are expected to return in the near future.

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anyone remember a little article that came up a while ago that showed its actually illegal to ride on the pavement? but there are you bike stations and bike lanes on the actual pavements.

if you want to get on your high horse about whats illegal and whats not in taiwan you are going to be here a long time. and you could make yourself more useful by calling the cops on all those rooftop additions instead of bitching about a handful of digital nomads.