I don't want another booster, any way?

The gym just asks for my booster by tomorrow, wtf I don’t really want to get another one. Any way to avoid boosters and keep living in Taiwan?


When I went to get my booster I noticed that the place I went to wrote in and stamped my yellow book, as well as stuck stickers on my NHI card and handed it back to me before I got the booster. I could have walked out without getting vaccinated, and I’d still have proof of vaccination on paper (and maybe in the system if they didn’t realize that I left). Probably illegal and I am not recommending it, but just sharing my experience. I didn’t do that btw…


Ask for your money back


Maybe go to a doctor and explain you had a bad reaction to your second shot and get him to write a letter that says you can’t get a booster. Obviously, I’m not recommending you do that if you didn’t actually have bad reactions :wink:


Lots of vaccine have three or more doses. I’ve had heaps in Canada.

May I ask what’s the basis of your reasoning?



Maybe some people realise how dangerous to health, vaccinations are becoming


I just don’t want to keep putting boosters every 6 months, this is not stopping at 3 and I don’t think is healthy. I put 2, I’m not at risk and I did my part.


Thank you.

As I said, I’ve had many vaccines in Canada that involved three or four doses. I understand some sense of fatigue, but based on my experience I don’t quite see how three is necessarily worse than two, especially when they boost our antibodies to help fight off this wily virus.

Thanks again for your reply, and take care.



The point for many is the unknown. We dont know the long term effects. You are free to keep pumping them into your system, but people should have a right to decide not to without getting the third degree, ostracized, or the stink eye.

The point for others is the very real high numbers of people who have died or suffered neggetive effects of the vaccine.

I have posted before about family and close friends who have and still are suffering greatly from the vaccines. They have all caught covid, most before being vaccinated and the more dangerous strains. They all recovered without health issues. This is now the light weight version of the virus we are being forced and coerced into taking the vaccine for what amounts to a sniffle for most.

You might be fine with it.
Im not.


I’d add that we also don’t know what will happen with our bodies if (or perhaps when) we get infected with COVID. Lots can and does go wrong there. Statistically that risk definitely gets my attention more than the perceived risk of a third shot (which again, I’ve received many times in Canada—and fourth shots too).

Take care, all.



Proof of that statement?

I myself had a strong reaction to the vaccine (kinda like long covid over several months, dizzinness, brain fog) but I still believe in those vaccines, even though they might not be perfect. Since I haven’t caught covid yet, I don’t know what covid would have done with my body.


I’ve posted this a couple of times in different threads over the last few days, but note that the third-shot requirements announcements seem to differ in English in Chinese. Based on the Chinese-language announcement, you’re allowed to do some things without the booster. I don’t know if that has any sway with gym or buxiban owners.

Caveat: my Chinese sucks and I’m mostly figuring this out via Google Translate.

The English version says nothing about allowing weekly tests in lieu of a 3rd dose:

The Chinese version talks about allowing weekly testing in some circumstances, including if a doctor says you can’t get the 3rd dose and perhaps the very open “personal factors” (I have no idea what that would precisely mean):

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Say what? :rofl:

And I’m a person who could have gotten the booster already but don’t see the need to rush it…


So, you protected yourself?

I’m wondering if someone can explain the logic to me?

The government has asked people to boost after 3, not six months. So one can only imagine people will be required to boost every quarter or so to be considered fully vaccinated.

But why?

We know that the shots don’t stop the spread of COVID-19. It don’t even believe it was claimed they were by the manufacturers, they were designed to mitigate symptoms COVID-19 and not stop the spread of the disease (SARS-COV2). (My understanding is that this is why everyone in the media and the ‘experts’ always refer to the vaccines in terms of COVID-19 and not SARS-COV2, because then they claim it has efficacy (against the symptoms) whilst people believe they’re talking about the spread of the disease, which is something completely different and how most people think about how vaccines actually work.)

So why take a shot of a product that has no long term safety studies, is a brand new technology that was banned for use prior to 2020, has no liability attached to it, and that the manufacturers are so confident in it, they apply to the courts to have all documentation around it suppressed for 75 years, and ask countries to put up sovereign assets as guarantee before they’ll sell it to them?

Not only that, but if it only mitigates symptoms, but 99.7% of people that get it, will have NO symptoms or only mild symptoms. Why would you take it?

That statistic isn’t new, its been essentially the same since day dot for all variations of the virus, across countries. Of course, most of the media never published it.

We know who the at risk people are - statistically, I think the mean age of death is in the mid 80’s, beyond their life expectancy, about the same age as all other causes of death, has 2 or more serious comorbidities that make them already very, very sick, or some others who are also similarly immune compromised.

I can’t understand the fear of coronavirus, nor people’s desire to consistently have shots to mitigate symptoms that will likely be no more than the sniffles for the average person.

The government wants everyone to boost so they have milder symptoms than none or a milder version of the sniffles?

Are people boosting because they think they’ll be in the 0.03% that have an issue with COVID-19?


There are so many problems in reasoning in your post. It’s difficult to even start to respond. :neutral_face:



Then please don’t, thank you.


0.03 x 24 million = 720,000 people. That’s a lot of lives.

But that’s not the amount of people that are actually dying. But if that’s the logic, then OK. That’s what people think.

Like I said “… some people realise how dangerous to health, vaccinations are becoming”

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