I got aggressively hit on in OK Mart today

Hey all need some wingman advice here

recently I got a parking ticket that I needed to pay for, upon walking into my local HiLife there was a female clerk that helped me with the Ibon machine, we had a bit of a chat and joke and she was smiling and giving a lot of positive vibes. At least twice she called me 很帥 which kind of caught me off guard as im not used to being complemented by females like this in the west. She also asked if guys from my country are all as handsome as me and that she should visit.

Walking out I had the feeling she was being more than just friendly and was hitting on me, but I feel like I squandered my chance. The girl was maybe a year or two older than me but quite attractive.

Any advice or do you think I’ve blown it? I had a similar experience in Japan with a clerk asking for my Line but the next time I gathered the courage to hit on her she had lost interest.

I feel like with guys confidence is key but if you show weakness theres not much hope of a second chance.

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Make your move, man!



Need the location of this Hi-Life to personally check out this “quite attractive” clerk… for research purposes :smirk:


How? you think I should try and get a second parking ticket and go in during the same hours


Maybe you can buy a pack of gum, and some lube. See if she gets the hint?


The flok do you do with your gum!!!??


She works at a hi life? Easy keep going there to buy stuff
Chat her up each time
Get her digits when possible
Call her

Be pro active

Be aware some opportunities when missed on the spot are missed forever

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Spoken by a pro. :rofl:


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Should have reminded her she works in a convenience store and has therefore failed at life and is worthless, then visit the place every second day but do not make eye contact.

Repeat for about ten days, then sneak up behind her and whisper “bukkake” in her ear.


Somehow I don’t think that’s the best route to follow, either in this case or in any situation frankly. :neutral_face:



OP asked for wingman advice. This is all I have. Being a nice, courteous, friendly human ain’t working for me personally :smiley: :kissing_heart:

Perhaps it’s just my poor hygiene, and lack of valuable possessions, and hatred for the human race.


I think this still works if you’re willing to play the long game.

Cosmic karma and all!



I think you’ve seen enough of my posts to conclude that I’m done with the long game in a lot of situations :rofl:

Not too late to deal with the hygiene issues you raised however.

It’s never too late to clean up our act, if only slightly. :slightly_smiling_face:



Don’t. Worry some body will make an effort to see you in jail. Maybe her !


You must be clear in your objective

Are you out to marry her (ie bang later)

Or bang NOW

Always go BANG NOW

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I don’t think that’s what the long game is all about.

But who am I to slow you people down?



We’re just having fun and enjoying the moment before the mods wake up and make a “Not the HiLife” thread in temp.


Long game is maturing a fine wine

I.e looking for Miss Right

Short game is looking for Miss Right Now

There are uses for both in life

Somehow my Miss Right Nows have never cost me much money and never broke my heart

The others have done both

I think that while young a collection of Right Nows are better

Later when you need someone to run you around in your old age in your wheelchair the missis is better she can hire a young caretaker