I need a logo - attention graphic designers!

Looks good!

Wow, really pro looking. I like the colors, the simplicity, the cartoon bear. It looks great. (and good for franchising!).

Its funny, just out of the blue a few seconds ago, the though popped into my mind about how your logo was coming out, then I checked this forum and here they are posted.

The ‘sign logo’ looks similar to Shane, non?

No skulls? :s

Re Sculls, Anyone know if the “Order of the Skull and Bones” have a Logo?..

I hate it.
Cheap clip art of a white bear in a dumb pose and no one reads text in a circle counterclockwise.
But then it’s for teaching little snot-nose, pee-pee pullers and the parents of said small, mobile (slightly) intelligent units will think it’s cute.
I don’t understand the polar bear thing, either. While there may be some in Canada, like in Churchill, Manitoba, eh? there are none in the continental US aside from those in zoos.
So these animals do not represent something from North America very well.
Then again, there is the Coke ripoff, too.
I suggest the Dromedary Jumping-slug, native to Canada.
Take a slug of this…

This is their logo:

It’s actually in the public domain, so go nuts. :smiling_imp:

Wolf, don’t be so restrained in your response. Tell us what you REALLY think. :laughing: