I need some dating advice

Nothing says romance like keeping score about who paid for what on the date


The negative comments.

Are they nagging comments that aren’t productive and just are meant to put you down and annoy you?

Or are you talking about a woman who holds you to a high standard and expects you to improve and be the man she believes you can be?

Very different situation. One will destroy your life the other will help you. Often successful men have a woman behind them that pushes them and gives good council.


I wasn’t talking paying with money in this instance I meant paying with emotional currency and possibly your life !!

Yes every successful man has several women pushing him to the limit


Same as with friendship. I don’t keep tabs with my friends, but I do with people I’m not close to.

I love how dramatic that sounds :joy: But again, as long as I’m not certain that the girl can take part in a healthy relationship, I’m not paying any emotional currency. It’s a question of progression.

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Just wanted to thank everyone for some solid
advice and opinions. I needed to hear it.

Finished with the girl and feeling much better.


My understanding was if you do through a “reputable” service. The girls are vetted and are expected to be friendly. It is treated as a service as your date/gf/partner etc. Not so much a sex service. They are also not technically required to have sex but it’s usually implied.

Most of the girls with these high companies are well educated and had good careers. But why kill yourself working 60+ hours a week In a career when you can make 10k+ over a weekend.

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saying she doesn’t like your beard and you are chubby is not a big deal. infact its what almost every taiwanese girl will do. they are socially conditioned to tell you to shave and to say you are chubby. you gotta have a backbone about it and have some good comebacks. asian girls will walk all over you if you let them.

sounds like the same deal for the money. most taiwanese girls will not have a problem with you paying for everything… if you offer.

now being stingy isn’t good either. makes you look like an asshole in this culture. but you shouldn’t be paying for everything if you are not cool with that. not to mention its just going to make your gf spoiled. imo taiwanese guys like this type of spoilt gf, so they are fine with paying for everything.

i have made it clear to my gf that unlike her friends who live at home until they are 40 i have an apartment with bills, and i prefer to pay for things as a gesture when i want to, not as an obligation. she’s cool with it now.


True about the pay although I’ll give you a reason why the 60 hours maybe better in the long term.
From what I have observed t is often the quick money that leads to a loss of perspective in "the value of money ". Just like for example if you’re a good poker player it can be easy to forget not to waste money on extra luxieries and services that a person doesn’t need. The person working their butt off tends to value every penny and be wise with it. I own some shirts that I bought ten years ago. If they fit and look presentable I wear them. In fact I don’t think this is uncommon with the older generation. I think work builds character. (I’m from a Methodist background ). On the other hand I do of course know people who work their butt off and blow a lot of it on drink and clubs at the weekend. I eat everything on my plate and wear the same shoes until they break or don’t look presentable for work… . I think perhaps some kids might benefit from some agricultural or factory work for a year or so.
We never know when money will run out and it can for even the richest in society. The women you mentioned making the big money may however save a lot of it, but from what I know most do not. :+1:




I wish I had figured this out like 20 years before I did but no relationship is worth having to think and analyze that much over. Life’s too short. I think @BHL4life is right, some of it is cultural, but the right woman will realize that and meet you halfway without all this noise

well done


Hmm… how is that a solution? Why don’t people just get the 小三 then and skip the 大二 altogether (or however the GF/Wife is called in this context)?

I don’t get all this cheating and mistress stuff. If you’re not happy with the person you’re with, then either work to make it better - or if it’s really not possible, then face the fact you made a wrong decision and stop it. That other person that’s willing and able to be your 小三 could simply be your main and only partner, no?

PS: feel free to insert 大老二 jokes to your replies, I didn’t know where to fit them in this post.

Some people aren’t cut out for monogamy but get married for whatever reason anyway. Maintaining appearances, financial security, someone to come home to, someone to raise children with, etc. These guys tend to claim they only “love“ their wife/gf/main, and that with the side piece it’s “just sex.”

Of course, the logic behind all that is debatable. I think these type of men just do it because they are horny, self-absorbed, and they can typically get away with screwing around; their partner looks the other way because “that’s what men do.”

Women cheat too, though. They just hide it better.


Mistresses and Misters, have been around since the beginning of time.

Why? Maybe because monogamy is a man-made creation. Or some other reason still undetermined by the even the greatest minds of any century so far.


Right. Its always amazed me that 40% of marriages (or so) fail, in the ones that dont people cheat half the time…yet we blame people for not being monogamous instead of queetioning the institution itself. Its not like this is a new problem.

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