I need some dating advice

You’ve only been in Taiwan for such a short period of time. Plenty of fish in the sea. Girl I started dating here expected me to pay for everything and not even a thank you. I’m fine with paying for more than half, I understand we have a significant salary difference. But it started to really irk me.

I politely told her I was worried I was not the right guy for her. It seemed like she was the type of girl who wants the guy to pay for everything 100% of the time and that maybe I wasn’t what she was looking for.

Suddenly the problem went away and worked out.

Best of luck

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She started paying her share? Or she ditched you? :sunglasses:


Paid haha. But could have gone the other way and at the time that would have been okay as well.

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I find princess syndrome quite prevalent in girls in Taiwan… it’s called that here.

There are lots of girls who feels like the man has to provide everything even if the girl makes more than the man (and career is always a big thing for her).

If the relationship is not on an equal footing, neither will the marriage or anything after. It just ends up becoming a prostitution type relationship.

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No no no! Prostitutes are paid to go away after sex and they’re upfront and honest :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye:


and honestly if you can’t find a partner who will respect you as a person, and you would give her the same respect, then it’s better to be single.

In the old days women never work because their job is to make babies and keep the house in order. So it was natural that the guy had to provide everything. However those days are gone and many Taiwanese women (due to past sexism) wants to try very hard to out earn their male counterpart.

In Taiwanese culture those who are richer are supposed to spread the wealth, you know give hong bao, etc… Same should apply in relationships. If she insists on eating at the most expensive restaurant in Taipei, she better pay for it if she has the means to eat there and the man doesn’t. Otherwise the relationship is doomed from the start. Otherwise it’s eating at the night market or noodle stands. I do this with my friends. If I want to eat with him in a place that I know he can’t afford, I will foot the bill.


I don’t get what you’re implying. If you pay for stuff for your wife /gf then she’s a pro?
I make like 4 times what my wife does. She pays for a bunch of her own things. But I don’t mind paying for stuff so we can go out to a nice restaurant, for example. If she had to pay half for everything we’d likely just stay home.

I agree about the respect part, but if you insist that a girl pay half for everything, you’ll have a small pool to pick from. To me making that a deal breaker seems a bit ridiculous.

" If she won’t pay for half I’d rather be single"… Is that what you’re implying?


Serious question: Isnt the syndrome part of what makes TWese women attractive to many?

It’s definitely not a coveted or sought-out sort of thing. Most men know to avoid princess disease like the plague, even if all they want is a trophy wife. I’m pretty sure only idiots would willingly put up with that shit. Just like how only idiots would willingly put up with the Taiwanese mama’s boys.


[quote=“hanna149, post:69, topic:186826, full:true”]

Ahhhh. I get it. Thanks

Princess, or Queen syndromes, are not unique to Taiwan. Come on. It’s much worse other places in Asia and beyond.

problem is so many men are so desperate for women that they are willing to put up with those types, at least for a short time.

Fact is, if the relationship is like that might as well go with prostitutes, because at least you know exactly what you’re paying for. It’s a shame many countries make it illegal because of “morals” but ends up fueling an underground economy where women are trafficked and forced into prostitution.


Can we just stop mixing prostitutes with dating!? And with discussion question by someone looking for “some dating advice”?!

Prostitution deserves a separate discussion.


No. Avoid like the plague! Not worth a casual roll in the hay with a “Hello Kitty Girl”. Nothing is free!


Another hard no for me. I’d much rather be alone.


Ok you said it… you are looking for a sexual relationship
Ok if she’s deeply religious and a virgin you may get more than you can chew

You a gonna pay for that pussycat

We all do in more ways than one

If she attaches herself to you and you want out
Watch out for the intense arguments the threats of suicide and the opening of the car door attempting to jump out of your car moving at 60kph

Oh yeah some of us have been there

Some ladies are Trouble with a Capital T


I don’t think it’s proper that guys pay for everything, and I am sure that if a girl want to have something more serious with you, wouldn’t expect you to pay all the time as well. Because it’s not a team work anymore.



As for this:

If you truly believe that, make mention of it. “Money is just money.” When she knows that you place her above the money…doesn’t hurt. :smoker:


Crap…you made me like one of your Cracker Jack in the Box panacea cure-alls. :grimacing:


There’s another, healthier way than “paying for it:” to enjoy what you’re doing so much that they want to tag along. I never go on a date I wouldn’t enjoy regardless of whether the girl is there or not. And when it comes to pay I treat the girl same as with anybody else: if she’s a stranger she pays for herself, if she’s someone I’ve known for a while and feel connected to we take turns paying for each other.

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