I went to McDonald's and I'm a bit traumatized

It’s funny, I’m the opposite. I hardly ever went there when I was in the states (I’d always go for Shakeshack, Five Guys, or a local burger place), but here in Taiwan I go once or twice a week because it’s close by, the food is usually clean and reliable, and while the burgers are not great it reminds me of home a bit when I’m tired of greasy Taiwanese lunchboxes.


I confess. I worked at M part time for three years in high school as a way of earning some money plus learning about capitalism (I saved to buy a car). I made awesome scrambled eggs for big breakfasts and my till record card was normally nil because of my strength in Mathematics.

I loved the cream cheese danish at M!

Thinking back…during mealtimes all staff could eat whatever they wanted which included burger, fries, drink and dessert. I didn’t stuff my face but the fries are the best to this day.

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Don’t know about best, but they are better than Wendy’s and Burger King (only amateurs order fries at BK… gotta go onion rings there).


Mainly students at the McDonalds I go to.

I think I go to McDonalds here more than what I went to back in Oz which was almost never - it’s consistent and sometimes I’m just not really keen on Taiwanese food.

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I used to go to McDonald’s quite regularly until I got stuck in the door, which was a bit embarrassing. Now I only go to the one in the Taichung HSR station or send my assistant to pick something up for me.

It must be so comforting to be better than other people.


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Interestingly a lot of homeless peooke don’t like to eat McDonald’s because too they get too many donations of the junk food, even if they liked it originally they get sick if it . They rather get money or some other kind of food (I learned this from watching invisible people YouTube channel, check it out ).


To spend on some booze or drugs, let’s be honest. When I used to offer food to homeless people in the states it was usually rejected (“just need some cash, m’man…”).

I always check out the fast food places when I travel to other countries. When you’re in a new place it can be difficult to figure out what the food is, how to order and pay, etc. I’m all for that adventure, but sometimes it’s nice to just go to a McDonalds or Burger King where you know how things work.

For a while, back in the 90’s / 00’s there was an epidemic of professional panhandling in California’s Bay Area. People were making a living off of it.

You never really know where the cash is going to when you give handouts. Sometimes you just give in hopes that person will use what you give them wisely. An alternative is to donate time at a shelter or kitchen instead of money or donate to local charities.

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Doesn’t really matter., just saying they often won’t eat McDonald’s. They could be given multiple McDonald’s meals in one evening . They often genuinely like getting other food as it’s something new I guess. Plus lots of cities do soup runs…They mostly aren’t starving.

Yeah, some in the states are using their iPhones while panhandling. They definitely aren’t starving. It’s a different situation in other non-western countries where the homeless are grateful for any food they can get, but in the US it’s mostly addicts or people with mental illness living in the streets.

McD’s in TW seem to be very clean and the food actually resemble somewhat the photos on the menu. Compared to the U S where the stores are usually filthy the service is horrible and the food doesn’t taste as good.
Noticed last night KFC has onion rings…Yum. too bad they don’t have coleslaw, mashed potatoes and gravy.


McD’s in the Philippines has pizza, spaghetti and brown gravy.
And everyone inside is beautiful.

I almost never eat fast food at all, but in the states McDonalds is very reliable for a quick breakfast on the road. I like the eggamuffin thing.

McDonald’s and how many times per week you eat there. If it’s good enough for the White House.


Yes. Now they’re shooting up in the restrooms.