I would very much like an alternative forum that was much more heavily regulated

I think people need to both grow a pair and be more self-aware. But, what do I know?



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Rather an inappropriate choice of phrase no? :rofl:

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I guess I should say more people should do this exclusively.

Well, that’s a lot harder to do.


Women have pairs too.


Granted, most Trump supporters don’t make their presidential pick a core part of their identity either and aren’t in your face about it.

Thank god this crowd is a minority and that most people are normal reasonable people.

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Yes but they don’t run on testosterone last I checked.



Well, I don’t support him. But I can also separate policy from personality. Someone who doesn’t think personality or character is essential, or who thinks that you have to choose between the main two candidates and that the other is only marginally better as to character but much worse on policy, could easily justify voting for Trump.

On a different note, I think that often merely pushing back against anti-Trump narratives is misconstrued as support here.


AS LONG AS YOU AVOID PERSONAL ATTACKS it’s okay to be batshit crazy and spew spew spew. :grin:

I’ve changed my mind about Trump in one way over the past few years. I think he’s funny as shit. Seeing him do a little Spongebob dance at his rally high off his ass on all the roni drugs is the most I have ever liked the man.


Character is essential for the top job in any organization. You got somebody with a warped character, brings hatred or poor emotional judgement or too lazy to read into the details and things can go very badly wrong.


I agree, which is why I vote third party. But sometimes (most times) your choosing between 2-4 candidates, none of which have good character. You can vote on policy, sit it out, or write someone in. I don’t choose the first option, but I understand those who do.

Also…and I learned this the hard way…You know that guy/gal you kind of laugh at and forgive even when they are being assholes to other people cos they are funny or your friend or whatever …Eventually they are going to do it to you. It’s inevitable.

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Odd that you write a request/suggestion for a ‘forum’ that prohibits/discourages discussion - to a forum that is the opposite of that. What you describe is not a ‘forum’. You don’t want a public forum. You want to disallow the publication of ideas, thoughts or opinions that you disagree with. What you want is not here.

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That’s not what you wrote though.:sunglasses:

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If anything this forum needs less moderation, or better moderators.

In typical Taiwanese passive-aggressive fashion if you get banned from here you don’t get a notice, you simply can’t log in. And all your posts are removed.

In what way?