I would very much like an alternative forum that was much more heavily regulated

The Taiwan reddit is ultra liberal

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I think it has something to do with who reads books and who doesn’t.

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Probably both

So? I don’t really care, and neither do I care if this place more conservative leaning.
i just think the way the forum is setup leads to people being put off when they come here.
Anyone new taking a quick look at the forum would think it’s for old men to argue about politics.


Just say Murrica. That’s fine.

This is like you saying Taiwan is the Republic of China and not Taiwan. It’s understood that Americans call it America…

And if you’ve read what I said. The point is that Americans don’t need to consider how their leanings off off to others when talking about American politics, others should consider how they come off in American politics. It’s like me expecting Canadians to consider how their politics come off to me.

Hey! Policy! not politics. And 53 isn’t old. :wink:

That’s really about it in a nutshell if you don’t mute the relevant forums and threads.

Practically every time I look, I see a number of politics threads among a much larger number of other threads, so I think it looks like a forum for anyone to talk about a range of topics including politics, which makes sense since that’s what it is.

I guess we’ll attract people who like what it is by showing people what it actually is. I don’t see the point of hiding what it is to then later deliver some kind of gotcha moment when you find out it’s not what you thought it was. We’ll then be potentially not attracting people who might have liked what it is and don’t see that at first glance, while also losing people once they find out what it actually is and don’t like it.

The only thing that would make sense would be changing Forumosa to make it into something else than what it actually is now, but that doesn’t make sense to me.

TL/DR: people want to talk about politics so we have politics.


Although there are / were a couple of far woke-left extremists. The only guy i have on ignore is one of them.

It really isn’t. It’s just a lot of people here have been in asia for a long time and didn’t get the memo that its not cool to share your conservative leading opinion in public any more.
If the ‘right leaning’ things that were expressed here were shared on twitter there would be an instant hate mob. I think it says more about the rest of the internet than it does for forumosa.


Just pointing it out. They shoildny HAVE to anything, nor should anuone HAVE to the other way around. But they probably should take t in and converse.

Ps. I am aware Americans think its Anerica. But heyre wrong. United States of America. Its in the name :wink: their ignorance shouldnt be our problem either, but its worth mentioning as it often is.

I don’t see any problem with discussing politics. I just think the threaded layout makes the forum look like a jumbled mess when you visit.
I use an iPad to read this site, and depending on which way I view I have between 7 and 11 threads show up, and most of the time only one or two are related to the Taiwan.
It just doesn’t seem like an optimal layout to me, especially considering how busy the politics sections are.
Anyway that’s my feedback and I’ll leave it at that.


We always have had that stereotype, we do now have that stereotype, and we will likely always have that stereotype.

There is no advantage accruing to Americans for being willing to “hear” outside opinions.

Also, don’t forget that about 75% of the unpleasantness now in US domestically is due to a third of the nation believing that a foreign government is Trump’s puppetmaster. Yet now you want round 2?

Finally, I mean no personal offense at all (keep that in mind as you read what follows), but the respect of the world is not exactly my top priority. As has been noted, it’s not something we have, or likely will ever have, anyway. There is zero profit in running the USA by the opinions of non-Americans.

@Andrew0409 has it right, I reckon. Y’all do you, and we’ll do us in the USA. Live and let live.


There’s a couple of other stock layouts for the landing page, which focus on the various individual forums more. The threads are really the meat of things though.


They’re not. The country is referred to as America if it’s used in that context. Just like PRC is referred to as China.

Anyone hitting the forums section would quickly see how varied the content is. If they are that stupid, good riddance.

Besides, the point was right leaning posters probably migrate here because they are downvoted into oblivion on Reddit.

You just don’t have skills at navigation then. You need to adapt your browsing style.

I am providing some feedback which is the whole point of this thread. You need to adapt your reading style.

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Like many have said, the tools to do what you are describing already exist.

They have nothing to do with the point I was making. Anyway the mod has set out his reasoning for the current layout.