I would very much like an alternative forum that was much more heavily regulated

unnamed (2)

I’m with @Explant on this one. There is nothing wrong with a little self awareness. For those of us you would label leftist, it looks like a joke. I am a centrist in any other country. There is no far left movement in the United States and the constant back and forth is due to Conservatives trying to prove their is. Obama is a socialist. Hillary is coming for your guns. Biden is a trojan horse for the far left. None of these silly fear mongering conspiracies have ever come true.

For the 60% of the country that does not follow the far right policies of the GOP, the attempt to label anyone else extremist just looks ironic in context.


Oh is that the problem? I thought it was because the head of the federal government deflects any and all responsibility for a crisis and makes no attempt to fix it. Thought that was a bigger reason for 200K+ Americans dying than people “believing” Trump flirts with dictators.

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I would label your ideas leftist in American politics. I actually think there are different ways of governing in context of each country. Do you think I want the same policies in Taiwan like in the US?

In context of Taiwanese politics, I’d probably be a liberal. I’m far more capable of nuance than you seem to give me credit for.

For example, Just because I’m against national health insurance in the US doesn’t mean I’m against it in Taiwan. Why? Taiwanese can settle for the kind of fast in and out healthcare they got for cheap. It’s a small country. People are relatively healthy.

Why am I against it in the US? I don’t see how cost effective it’s going to be implemented in 50 states that already fail to communicate in the most basic things. True story; I got pulled over in Virginia and the officer said his system didn’t recognize my DL because the state of Texas doesn’t communicate well with Virginia.

This is not how I want my health care to be. I also think Americans are far to unhealthy for this to be fair and cost effective for healthy people that give a shit about their health. I also believe Americans want choice. Taiwan doesn’t even have some basic drugs because the government said something else is better for various reasons.

Then I would say you and I definitely disagree on that front. The values that inform how I vote or how I see the world are universal regardless of the country I live in.

As for healthcare, I see that as a human right and am in favor of the Bismarck model. The reasons you listed of states not talking to each other are challenges but not valid reasons not to pursue. We have an effective national social security system and despite all the complaints about USPS this was the only reliable way to send stimulus checks across the country. So there are systems that work when built purposefully.

Federal initiatives are not impossible in the US. I would agree that they have become more difficult over time, but would argue that is more due to the country moving further to the Right since the 1980s. Continuous tax cuts for the rich have de-funded federal institutions and the rise of libertarian ideas on the right have eroded faith in the effectiveness of federal government. And the lack of bipartisanship on behalf of the Tea Party has further undermined our institutions’ ability to function. The Chinese also say democracy won’t work in China because they are too big. I don’t think size is a valid argument either.

We sent a man to moon in the 1960s. Surely we can give people universal access to healthcare.


It could be possible, but there’s still the mounting costs of how unhealthy Americans are.

Sorry, I’m not willing to contribute to a plan when half the population is obese. Call me selfish, I think it’s far more selfish to get people who do care about their health to cover those that don’t care.

NHI should not be used to cover so many people that won’t take care of themselves.

The same for me. I’m talking about policies. You and I can believe in the same values but believe different policies work better under those values.

For example, I believe in freedom and democratic values. I do think a constitutional monarchy is a valid way to achieve freedom under democratic values for the UK. Do I think we should do that in Taiwan or the US, nope.

This to me is the problem with politics in the US now. It’s the if you aren’t with me, you must be against me mindset. Just because I don’t believe in the Green new deal doesn’t mean I don’t think we should take care of the environment. I actually strongly believe it’s our responsibility. Just because I don’t support black lives matter doesn’t mean I’m against black people.

This position is remarkable enough to have earned its own name: American Exceptionalism

Considering the multitude of interactions between different countries, ignoring those views might not be the best approach.


Where did I say ignore those views?

I questioned the idea that Americans need to consider how their views come off to other people when talking about US politics.

I liked this post (OP) not because I need ideas to be censored, but it would be nice to discuss them in a more friendly atmosphere. IP and US forums tend to spawn posts with an unfriendly, sarcastic, or bitter tone. That’s why I usually mute them.


I agree that I’d be more likely to participate in the IP forums if I felt it was a safe place to express opinions without being slammed.

But I understand that moderation would be unrealistically difficult to enforce a “no logical fallacies / attack the argument not the person” policy.


My whole point about taking IP stuff off the front page is that it would likely lead to less spamming, disinformation, and personal attacks in IP. Because quite a few people post there to spam it, because I suppose they feel drowning out other voices has some influential impact.
There’s no other logical explanation for the behavior.

But if the perceived impact of the spam was removed, i.e. the only eyeballs on political discussion would be the people discussing it, that removes motivation of spammers and makes IP more welcoming to people who are turned off by the spam.

  1. Better for the front page, and reputation of Forumosa
  2. Should lessen the motivation for spam and disinformation posts in IP
  3. Makes IP more welcoming to people who actually want to argue in good faith

I don’t think having 6 different IP threads on the front page brings in any extra participation to forumosa. Reason being if that did draw anyone into the site because of political discussion, they would be turned off by it as soon as they realized it was a spamfest.

An alternative to not knocking it off, or to the bottom of the frontpage, would be to put all US politics into one thread, and keep it there. Then you don’t have the game being played where certain posters bump one of 30 different threads when they don’t like how the discussion is shaping up in a more relevant one.

You could also greatly merge a lot of redundant ones. There’s at least 3 different Trump threads hanging out in there somewhere.

In summary, IP currently resembles a bathroom where it looks like someone diarrhea-ed all over the walls, and that’s not ideal.

The drumbeat for censorship by leftists is increasing each week. Even the New York Times of all places is beating the drums.

Not content with browbeating social media into lockstep with the party line they’ve now turned their sights on fringe platforms like Forumosa, one of the few remaining places where speech is still free, filtered only for civility and not for approved content.

Hopefully their cajoling and browbeating won’t work here and Forumosa will remain one of the decreasing number of free marketplaces of ideas.

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Specifically, who is advocating censorship?

So, maybe you get more benefits if you trend in better shape.

Anyone who is advocating that it be “much more heavily regulated” because conservative viewpoints make them uncomfortable.


I’m not seeing that though. Specifically what are you referring to?

I thought the OP kind of said this, though I think it was aiming more at the far away from center views rather than more traditional conservative views.

I love how we manage to constantly find new ways to argue with each other. :grinning:

But actually this has been a pretty cool thread.




To the OP,
Go and make your own heavily censored forum, put in the hard work and the years into promoting it.
So, just do it yourself. Visualise~ Work~Create~Materialize. :wink: