I would very much like an alternative forum that was much more heavily regulated

Rolling Stones at 1?

Who knew the Stones could speak so presciently about us here at forumosa? : D


Allman Brothers. Come on!

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I did not bring them into it I commented on it. One of my favorite bands too, I guess it was because they used to fly the Battle flag of the old south at their concerts.

Always a sound reason to appreciate someone’s music.

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Your honor, I rest my case!

Great, great band though.

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One of my favorite sound tracks used in the cult movie and one of my favorite movies Rob Zombies “The Devil’s Rejects”
SPOILER ALERT (This song is played on the final scene of the movie about a family of serial killers)

Yeah? I was going to say or CCR.

I was just pushing that redneck angle.

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limitalk.com and limitalktion.com are available in case OP wants a generally limited not specific to Taiwan.

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Arrogance and ignorance aside please respect freedom of expression and human rights in the 21st century. Thank you.

Anyone interested in building and/or managing a community of any kind needs to hear this and take it to heart:

"You can say ‘all are welcome,’ but if wolves and sheep are both welcome then you’re only going to get wolves. The the smart sheep will go somewhere else and the naive sheep will be eaten and processed. If you welcome Islamophobes and Muslims then you’ll get Islamophobes. If you welcome Klan members and people of color then you’ll get Klan members. If you welcome nativists and immigrants you’ll get nativists.

Refusing to choose is a choice. It’s a choice in favor of the people who prey on others and who refuse to acknowledge the humanity of those they hate."


No kidding, that’s not exactly earth shattering. I think we’re doing fine in that regard myself: we have rules on bigotry which we certainly do enforce. Much less having Klan members lol. Jesus. As I have previously repeatedly mentioned, we welcome specific comments through the flag channel on problem posts.


Wolves and sheep dogs welcome. No sheep please.

Sounds kind nice.

So in your analogy here, Muslims, people of color and immigrants are sheep? It’s so patronizing assuming that they can’t stand up for themselves.


Seriously, forumosa really isn’t that bad. There are a couple of characters for sure, but it’s nowhere near what you’re suggesting.


The klan meeting is in the regulars lounge anyways.


I get the feeling he really believes this. Quite the imagination.

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Someone’s gotta take on the illuminati.


That’s just what they want you to think.

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