
Very admirable. I wish I could be that loyal to my hometown.

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Who says they care? Are we talking about the audience or the performers anyway?

If the point is to include everyone in everything, it’s impossible. Most of the population will never be inside the venue. Even with broadcasts and recordings, most of the population will never have time to watch it or listen to it.

If the point is to come up with something better than the current system, then I say stop mistreating your bodies and jazz the place up. :saxophone: :raised_hand_with_fingers_splayed: :notes: :sunglasses:

If there are blind people performing, they can wear earphones with some kind of app that translates the jazz hands into something audible just for them. If there are blind people in the audience, I suppose they can have that too, if they want it. Heck, people with perfect vision can have it too, if they like. Win-win-win! :rainbow:

Despite initially turning herself into the authorities, Villa has maintained that she is not the woman who was seen on the store camera. She also insists that she doesn’t drive the car that store security identified as belonging to the Bandit, that she’s never had dyed purple hair like the woman in the video, and that she doesn’t have any of the items that Target says she stole.

Sure Jan.

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It makes sense if you look from the front.

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Or if you skin her and then flip it over.

Yeah, kind of shine a light through it.

I hope nothing bad happens to her, because if our posts came to light… :open_mouth:

I’m blaming you


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Wasn’t this picture posted by you before, @Dr_Milker?
I kind of had a déjà vu now with all this conversation…

Shhh, I’m trying to disassociate myself with this whole thing.

Too late, I found it!
And if I could find it, so can others…

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It’s just that I need a new hobby after the Pic Quiz ended…

Paging @hannes! Please, get this pest off my back. :sunglasses:

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Oh, snap! Now I remember.


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I guess I have to stop stealing @urodacus’s lines. Well, at least he’ll catch the rap.

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I’m sure it was subconscious. I do that all the time.

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So this is YOUR back? Mmhh, interesting choice for a tat, Ms Milker.

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