
Err, I have no tats, only brand. Much more painful than a tattoo.


But is it subconscious in your case too?

That’s between me and my Jungian analyst.

It’s all good tho…just check the VIN #. :wink::smirk::smirk:

I’ll just put this here.


Gender reveal and idiot go together rather well.


When you plan a gender reveal but it becomes a funeral :firecracker: :skull_and_crossbones: :man_shrugging:

Another one mentioned in the article too

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At least the explosion wasn’t big enough to turn the gender reveal into a sex change. :open_mouth:

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What’s most disgusting is assigning gender.

Doesn’t look like they were forcing a gender on the kid, but the whole idea of a gender reveal party is kind of stupid anyway. Like, who cares?


I remember when I was a kid back home some wingnut lit off a bunch of M-80’s and gasoline in a 55-gallon drum. He cut himself in half and shrapnel was stuck in stuff for blocks. I see this on that level

LOL. That’s how the Guardian decided to frame the story:

One of the pioneers of the gender-reveal movement said in July that it was time to “re-evaluate” the practice and that her own daughter had begun to explore her gender and defy gender norms.

I cringe at some of my friends that post pictures of these events.

Everybody thinks their baby is the cutest in the world…

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I think all babies are pretty ugly lol. I have to stop myself from making a weird face when I see other people’s babies for the first time. I wasn’t aware I did this until someone pointed it out.

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That must have been awkward :slight_smile:

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Luckily the person knew me well and laughed because she knows I do with every baby. Babies all look about the same to me, and a bit alien like.

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Well, if you don’t have anything nice to say… :rage:


Thought long and hard where to put this. I believe it belongs here.

OTOH, SW is safe now.

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You guys buy this? I guess it’s possible but pretty stupid.