IF Mr. Korean Fish becomes president in 2020

Except they have done it before, with Tibet.

And give preferential treatment to Chinese folk settling in Hong Kong, to the point it has become unbearable to the original population.

ROC Army generals do not talk smack, they just betray their country by retiring to China with a brand new spy, eh, wife by their side as minder. And keep getting their pensions and 18% plus benefits on assets they took from the State.

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The White Wolf assures us that not only Korean Fish will win the elections, but that he will bring peace for 8 years, after which, China will annex Taiwan and US won´t do a thing because they will be afraid of China´s nuclear weapons, just like Crimea and Russia situation.

BTW, Korean Fish had a meeting with Overseas Taiwanese business people, who came from Europe and US just to see him, and also assured them that once he was president, he would make peace with China and business would flow again. He insisted that Tsai´s New Southbound Policy was useless and only he can bring prosperity to Taiwan. Oh and he will save the ROC and all that jazz.

It’s on its way, be patient!

why isn’t this guy getting locked up for treason?

Because he has a lot of support, both political and financial.

In the comments of the article, someone told him “in 8 years you’ll be dead or already had a stroke!” This man will die peacefully in his sleep with blood on his hands, no problem. And his children will continue his legacy.

Govt here need to make some new laws to put bastards like him who are openly planning to f_/ck this country for everything its worth away.

KF will direly speed up reunification unfortunately and undoubtedly!