If the CCP invades, will you fight?

I would run to the shores
I would run to the airfields
I would run to the bunkers
I would run to the mountains
I would run to the consulate
I would run


Pacifists are great. Unfortunately, people like the CCP love them.


Yep- one week when my computer was down. Also read Inferno, Paradise Lost, and Moby Dick under similar circumstances.

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Iā€™ve yet to try any Dan Brown

I tried and never finished.

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So far our militia has about 4 members? :thinking:

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I fancy our chances. You three hold the west coast, Iā€™ll fight to the death holding Taoyuan International Airport.


Those commie mofos will rue the day they came up against a gin fueled Biggus Dickus.

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Ever read Terry Pratchettā€™s ā€œInteresting Timesā€? Spoiler:

The plot involves Cohen The Barbarian (a geriatric barbarian who is fearsome precisely because heā€™s survived to become a geriatric barbarian) recruiting a handful of other has-been barbarians to ā€œstealā€ the Agatean empire (a mashup of medieval China and Japan). Their basic premise is that nobody knows what the emperor looks like, so all they need to do is waltz into the palace and take over. Which they do, with the help of an ex-teacher who provides some special thinking skills.

Sounds like the truth could turn out stranger than fiction if BiggusDickus gets annoyed?


Uhhh big hole in your defences. Who is defending the new Mrs Fields location?

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The fight you are definitely going to face before any PLA army boots are on Taiwan ground is the fight over supplies in the supermarket.

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Leaves are ok for toilet paper :rofl:

I must admit I skipped a lot of the lectures at the end. I also skipped part of John Galtā€™s manifesto in Atlas Shrugged, and a lot of the whale bits in Moby Dick


Make that five.


Well, at least three of them are Marinesā€¦so, weā€™ve got that going for us. :cowboy_hat_face: :cowboy_hat_face:


Iā€™m an enthusiastic amateur.


I wasnā€™t sure. Thatā€™s why thereā€™s only two cowboys. I hedged.

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My preferred movie reference to head out of water is this:

But, Iā€™m easy.

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Thread title is outdated, they are already here.

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