If you could be a tree, any tree, what kind would you be? and why?

Yes, bigly.


And then there’s this:

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You know things are getting serious when even the Covfefists can’t spell big league! :eek:

This is what happens when you drink too much hot covfefe…

One two tree er yes I’m that is ah oh um how I er um see it cuz umm

Hey Fred, since you’re here, no-one took me up on my latest challenge:

What say you? :slight_smile:

Haiti has a capitalist system? I thought it was an oligarchy run by about five families. I believe that the system that should be used is “feudal.” Also, given the billions in aid received in the past decade or so and the billions in aid and assistance over the past 100 years (the bien-pensant tend to forget about how the US has bailed out Haiti’s foreign debt among other support time and time again), I guess the question should be why you are so eager to call it capitalist. Can you explain? I think that you were looking for a Gotcha! moment here but I doubt that you will find satisfaction given the Realities of teh Situation, but do share how you “feel” about Haiti and how its capitalist system proves your, er, theory.

  • Country A is an excrement cavity with no socialist pretensions. “Meh, it’s just feudal.” :idunno:

  • Country B is an excrement cavity that flies a socialist banner. “Aha! Socialist death spiral in Country B! This proves Americans should all vote for the Covfefist Party!” :rant:

(Note: I’m not actually calling any country an excrement cavity.)

I thought it was an oligarchy run by about five families. I believe that the system that should be used is “feudal.”

Oh, you mean like South Korea?

Also, given the billions in aid received in the past decade or so and the billions in aid and assistance over the past 100 years (the bien-pensant tend to forget about how the US has bailed out Haiti’s foreign debt among other support time and time again), I guess the question should be why you are so eager to call it capitalist.

Receiving aid means you can’t be called capitalist? :face_with_raised_eyebrow: That doesn’t match what the West said all through the Cold War (not that the East didn’t play the same game – of course they did).

It also doesn’t match the “too big to fail” philosophy of the banking system, for whatever that’s worth. :2cents:

Yeah I see where you are going and I just don’t care enough to respond after this. But I get that you are a product of your educational and cultural upbringing. It’s just not something I have time for though no doubt you were told you were very clever every Tuesday

Really? So much for genetic determinism! :doh:

It’s just not something I have time for though no doubt you were told you were very clever every Tuesday

I’m honestly confused. Is this supposed to mean I had a therapist when I was a kid?

Today, I feel like a listless, leafless, leaveless, lifeless tree. Wah wah wah…

Check your 401k Tree. That should bring a smile to your face.

You are right! It did. Even trees like me want to retire some day :slight_smile:

Well, today I am a tree that is smiling because it looked at its 401K. I wonder how many other trees like me there are out there in the Great Great Great Wider World of the World of Trees…

If you boiled two identical Trees in water…would that be Simmertree?

Well, I never thought of that… I suppose you could be right about that… but how then would one refer to or describe coquetry? I remain agog with anticipation as to your response.

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Why did the oak tree cross the road?

To seek relief from the pedicurist for a corn on one of its roots.

Actually, I think that the correct answer is because it was following the chicken but I appreciate your effort at trying to resolve the conundrum presented. Thanks for playing! Let’s see what amazing prizes we have for you!

Because it was an Ent.

That’s just silly. Sigh… How I do wish people would take posting on this forum seriously. SERIOUSLY! I am here to share SERIOUS ideas and thoughts and feelings and what I think about and how I feel about said thoughts and feelings. I am deeply offended that others do not feel/think as seriously about my serious thoughts/feelings as I do. How dare you!!!