I'm a new dad soon! TW-specific Tips?

Why? Many women in the world breastfeed well past eight months.

No need to put a time on it.

I agree with the whole let them entertain themselves thinking. When I watch my son play, he always combines toys, household objects, books etc and makes up stories. It is amazing, putting on different voices etc.

Where I work, my co teacher often gives the kids a piece of origami paper each and that is it. The kids fold it into different shapes and either invent a game or act out a story.


Remove pacifier yes (or better, never start), breastfeeding not necessarily.


Cause human envolves and with months mother millk becomes less important. Have to get water and proper nutrion with food. Learn to eat on own with own finger. Building confidence, develop manual dexterity, focus

Psychiatrist actually said for the first 7 months breastfeeding is big plus, but after it better to remove it

I used to met my friend, signal mother in park. Our kids are the same age. Both girls. Her girl used to be for a head taller than mine at 8 months. And she become for head shorter at 16 month of age. My friend always had her on chest giving breastfeeding. “It’s easier to give her my milk. She loves it so much”. I could see child has poor core muscles, is insecure. Infant has to be on the floor, on the belly (when not sleeping). Explore the world. Not always carrying around or being in stroller all the time.

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I’m not saying to only breastfeed. After six months, you of course introduce other food. No right or wrong time to stop breastfeeding in my opinion.

As far as your friend’s kid being smaller. Kids develop at different rates. My kid was in the one percentile of weight charts and 5 percentile of height until four years old. Healthy and happy so we didn’t worry. Even while other parents proudly showed off about the size of their kids. Now she is nine, and one of the tallest in her class.


Get extra copies of the birth certificate in English and Chinese at the hospital before you take your baby home.
Make good use of Taipei City Library. In the basement, they have thousands of great books for children. Check out 20 at a time and read to your child as much as possible.


Sure, it varies over years. This is not the point. Point is limit your child with nutrion, and limit child movement and you will limit development of human.Ofc genes of human are super powerful, can adopt and survive. Strong will survive harsh einvoroment easily, and others harder.

On our last trip to Taiwanese mountain, saw mother, seller of mountain tee tight up one year old child on chair with ropes and put infront of TV. She said I don’t have enough time to raise up child. Don’t be such parent. Children need movement, parent stability, nutrion, sleep and love


Sounds like the nutrion people are paying you for this :grin:

What is it Similac nutrion milk powder


One thing I learned early on is to not compare or judge other parents. I doubt the parents are showing off to you. I went on play structures with my child. It wasn’t to impress anyone, and no, I don’t have that level of energy 14 hours a day - but I work and have limited amount of time with the child, so I actually wanted to play with the kiddo vs sending them on their way. And if I was tired, and the child wanted to play, I’d try to buck up.

Um, there’s reasons for those things other than comfort… Pediatric recommendations (in the US) is 1 year+ for breastfeeding (6 months exclusively breastfeeding, start introducing solid foods at 6 months), as it apparently confers long term health benefits. Pacifiers also provide some protection against SIDS. I’d recommend getting that type of baby advice from a pediatrician vs a psychiatrist (and doing your own research… Doctors aren’t always exactly up to date either (but real research. Not like 'i heard on Facebook’s research :stuck_out_tongue: )).

And… removing breast milk relatively early doesn’t limit nutrition?


When my first child was born, official EU pediatric recommendation for vitamin D was 400 EI (international unit) daily. One year later they recommend 800 EI when we got second baby. 200% increase of the most important vitamin. .It makes you think

By my research and after talk with child psychiatrist I decide to go for 1000. Already with first child.

To clarify, my child physhiatrist has a medical degree with specialization of pediatrics, PhD of neurology, work practise as pediatrician, child physhiatrist and she is professor at medical University.

I did my research. Pediatrics is very broadly medical specialization rather than narrow one. Is small, important detail, but keep it on the mind.

So what’s the rationale for removing breastfeeding, rather than keeping it while introducing solid foods, as limited nutrition isn’t a reason (as your adding to, rather than only breastfeeding)? Is it primarily driven by your initial comments regarding self soothing?


@lettuceman is serious about this dad thing! He’s selling his gaming PC!


Yeah. He’s selling cause he ‘upgraded’ to parenthood.

@RickRoll Based on this ad, I would guess it’s a girl.



Are you aware you most likely broke the rules of the play area by getting up on there? I say most likely because every play area I have been to has an age limit for the equipment.

It’s great you don’t judge, but that doesn’t make you above the rules.

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Pretty sure nope.

Hey, if I’m gonna have limited time for gaming, the sessions are going to be amazing when they happen. :smiley:


Ah, a breastfeeding topic - definitely catching up on that topic tonight. That was the recent hot topic with the wife. Wake up every 3h? Whew, sounds rough yet essential. I keep hearing different opinions about the length of time. Definitely want sleep back if you gotta wake up every 3h, so not too long - and don’t want to Game of Thrones it, either.


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Most babies aren’t going to wake up every 3 hours for all that long. And many pump breast milk for when it’s not convenient to feed direct from the breast.

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On breastfeeding, general recommendation is every three hours (or whenever the baby is hungry) until baby is 6 months old. Then, spacing it and including baby food until 1 year old, and stopping breastfeeding afterwards.

But it’s only a recommendation, not a rule.
You should do whatever keeps the Lettucemom, the Lettucebaby and the Lettuceman happy!


We speak English only at home and send my daughter to Chinese only schools. She’s bilingual, but in terms of biliteracy she’s behind in written English. She’s 11 and she can read about 80 percent of Harry Potter, but very slowly, and her writing is poor.

I think this was inevitable. She will get there, but it will take a lot of work. Her spoken English was similarly slow to start with. I remember worrying like hell about that, and then she suddenly started talking fluently.


Also, just in: It’s a Lettuce boy


Whoa! :astonished: