I know, I know. There are too many “song” threads. Live with it. Move on.
I’m loving this song today: The glorious Joan Baez. Glory, glory, hallelujah!
I know, I know. There are too many “song” threads. Live with it. Move on.
I’m loving this song today: The glorious Joan Baez. Glory, glory, hallelujah!
A bit of youtubing on that led to this other classic
To late to love this now but I’ll be loving it tomorrow
Forgot my iPod on this morning’s bike ride, so I ended up singing this to myself for 40km …
…wishful thinking maybe?
always loved Al Stewart since “year of the cat” and “on the border” . Hes 60 plus now and didnt look like he did in 76 or when i saw him in SF in 81. But what a great musician and his songs tell stories. MY mom always thought his songs were just long winded and wasnt a fan, but i like the guy and his music, and then realized i had heard bedsitter images when i was at my classmates house in Taiwan when Al’s first album came out.
I’m currently enjoying
and top krautrock
I particularly enjoy the bare chested guy with the moustache for some reason
Fucking A all right!
No offense, Mr. jimipresley, but even as a fourteen-year-old lefty I didn’t cotton to the Soviets. Shortly after the Soviets invaded Czechoslovakia, me and another zany individual somehow got hold of a full-sized Czechoslovak flag and paraded it down the street in a two-person protest march.
If I recall rightly, nobody even even noticed us. (I don’t know whether I should be sad or happy about that. :s }
And speaking of the Soviets (which is what your song is about, again no offense) and the Spanish Civil War (which is what my song is about), in Homage to Catalonia, Orwell recounts how the Soviets practically took over the Republican side and then started one of those purges for which they’re so well known. Orwell fled Spain not to escape the Fascists but to escape the Soviets or their allies on the Republican side. Some people weren’t so lucky.