"I'm sick! Have I got Covid-19?!?! What should I do?!" (Hypothetically)

A small part of me thinks you may be right, but I really really really really hope you’re wrong.


I’m not trying to get into a dispute, because (1) I don’t really know anything about this kind of thing, (2) maybe I’ve misunderstood, and (3) this could be an anomaly of some kind:

Yan Bai, MD1; Lingsheng Yao, MD2; Tao Wei, MD3; et al, " Presumed Asymptomatic Carrier Transmission of COVID-19" (citing Chan JF, Yuan S, Kok KH, et al., “A familial cluster of pneumonia associated with the 2019 novel coronavirus indicating person-to-person transmission: a study of a family cluster,” Lancet . 2020;395(10223):514-523. doi:10.1016/S0140-6736(20)30154-9PubMedGoogle ScholarCrossref for the incident of the asymptomatic ten-year-old child), JAMA Network, February 21, 2020

But the incident of the ten-year-old child doesn’t seem to be the main point of the JAMA article.

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A handy chart for people who don’t want to read too much.


Guys he got an x Ray. For the time he’s been sick, his lungs would look like a cottonfield if it was COVID19.

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Agreed but it may depend if he had very mild symptoms or not . Doc should do a test to establish if carrier ?
I know the CAT scan was relied on heavily in China for testing also.

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Pretty much like wanting to die then. :mask:

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1584273549737 (1)-01

With a diarrhea like that, death would be a relief.


I’m not a doctor, so I don’t know what to think about how I was treated at the hospital. In fact, in hindsight I shouldn’t have even gone.

Unfortunately, it’ll be impossible to know the best way to manage the Coronavirus until a few years from now when all the epidemiologists review the history of the virus and how it spread.

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The medical community are Very busy researching and sharing what works and what doesn’t. Lots of papers being published! Many drugs, treatment trials going on. They hit a problem in China in reaching scale as they have almost no new cases . They won’t have that problem in Europe.

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Did they only do a simple x ray?

I am seeing several reports and insight from a relative who is a top doctor back home and attended a major exclusive briefing on the the next procedures of covid-19 that a simple chest x ray will not allow doctors to see if you have it, but a CT will. Many people will show normal or a slight cold in an X-ray but a few that they decided to do the CT eventually showed the extend of the damage and they decided to hospitalize those patients (all corona lab tested positive after the CT). Now they are always using a CT scan if the patients have symptoms and even if the x-ray came back normal in order to decide if the patient will need to stay in hospital or not. Covid19 positive but asymptomatic are been sent home and not required to do the CT scan. In summary what will determine if you need machine support is 1-severity of symptoms and 2- CT scan result. I hope they did one on you

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Yep China mandated the CT as a key covid screening tool early on. Even people who were negative initially (by blood test ) sometimes got identified by CT. If they didn’t do a CT or blood test I would be skeptical of the diagnosis also. Maybe because you had no fever and nothing appeared in the x-ray and no travel history they called it negative. Fever seems to be very characteristic of covid when you have symptoms . I think it’s reasonable but they should do a blood test or CT to be sure as your symptoms seemed severe.


The following self-assessment for the Philippines just launched today.

EDIT: just learned from a friend who teaches at UP PGH that the Philippine DOH is NOT encouraging use of this app yet because it still occasionally gives bizarre results. It looks promising, though

Has a similar one for Taiwan been posted already?

Good news for everyone! The app is now live!!! Please share!!!

https://fightcovid.app has just launched. We worked on it with volunteer doctors interpreting DOH guidelines, and kind translators - it will be translated into 16+ Philippine languages/ dialects very soon.

“Health crisis”
“Hospitals are at over capacity”
“Health workers are understaffed & overworked”

How can we help?

“FightCOVID.App is a tool meant to reduce overcrowding in hospitals, clinics, and healthcenters. By accomplishing this self-assessment survey, you’re doing your part in making sure high-priority patients get the care they need and frontline workers don’t work any more than necessary in this time of health emergencies.”

“Right now utmost priority is given to patients with severe symptoms”

How can YOU help?

“Take this self assessment survey to know if you need to go to your nearest hospital”>


Amusing, yes, but just to be a pedantic killjoy, the people who don’t understand it should also be careful. My impression is that a lot of “immune” young people partying in Italy and the United States are going to get their grandparents killed.


No longer the bane of the elderly. In case you missed it in the main thread:


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My music teacher in elementary school still used records. (early 2000s)

The pencil was for when the tape got loose, then used to rewind the tape.

What happens to a person’s apartment should they get it? It’s fumigated by the authorities?
What if you have pets? They are left there to starve? If you cannot have someone feed them (how many would want to enter the apartment?) what then?

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“There was nothing to do about him. It was Easter Sunday and the Fascists were advancing toward the Ebro. It was a gray overcast day with a low ceiling so their planes were not up. That and the fact that cats know how to look after themselves was all the good luck that old man would ever have.”

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